Zoning & Planning Committee
INC’s Zoning & Planning Committee = ZAP
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Cheesman Towers, 1201 Williams St. – 19th Floor
Parking is free.
1. Continued discussion with about the substance and timing of the upcoming omnibus text amendment to the Zoning Code.
2. Discussion about the results of retail marijuana store hearings. Do we want to make any recommendations to Excise and Licenses or City Council? Please bring any accounts of hearings that you or your RNO participated in.
3. Discussion about any recommendations that we might want to make about liquor licenses, including recently-introduced state legislations to allow liquor-serving establishments to close as late as 7:00am. (Note that new permanent Director of Excise and Licenses is expected to be named soon.)
4. Any other business. Please bring news and issues from your neighborhood.