Homegroup livingZoning Code Group Living Updates: Public Review Draft


Zoning Code Group Living Updates: Public Review Draft — 2 Comments

  1. OPPOSED!!!!! Way too many people in a small area. Colorado traffic is already awful and there doesn’t seem to be any way to add additional lanes. I am opposed to the rezoning proposal. Not comprehensive or thought out for long-term impact. If 200 square feet is considered appropriate per individual I would like to know what this is based on? Who would be responsible for monitoring the number of people living in a residence and determining who is all related? What about the various unrelated people who could also reside there? What is being done with buildings such as the former VA? Could this be converted into low income housing? What other existing structures that were built for multiple residents are available? It doesn’t appear that anyone has considered any innovative ideas other than to destroy established neighborhoods and drive down property values. We are recently retired and will have to seriously think about moving if this type of rezoning & over development continue. Once destroyed, good luck trying to build it back!

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