Zoning Code Group Living Updates: Public Review Draft
Greetings, RNO contacts,
The public review draft of the group living text amendment is now available for review and comment on the project website: www.DenverGov.org/groupliving. The draft reflects revisions made to the proposal in response to public input received at open houses in February and March. Highlights include reducing the number of unrelated people who can share a home and adding off-street parking requirements, among a number of other changes.
Along with the draft, the project website has been updated with new summary documents and frequently asked questions that reflect changes made to the original proposal based on public feedback.
An update with all the relevant information on how to comment or talk to the project team went out this afternoon to the project email list, and our communications team will do additional marketing on social media next week and throughout the 30-day public review period. Please feel free to use any of the content in the update in your own newsletters to your members. Additionally, if your organization would like to meet with the project team, let us know and we can provide a virtual platform to do so.
Please contact me if you have any questions. Thanks, and have a great weekend!
Andrew Webb
Group Living Project Manager
OPPOSED!!!!! Way too many people in a small area. Colorado traffic is already awful and there doesn’t seem to be any way to add additional lanes. I am opposed to the rezoning proposal. Not comprehensive or thought out for long-term impact. If 200 square feet is considered appropriate per individual I would like to know what this is based on? Who would be responsible for monitoring the number of people living in a residence and determining who is all related? What about the various unrelated people who could also reside there? What is being done with buildings such as the former VA? Could this be converted into low income housing? What other existing structures that were built for multiple residents are available? It doesn’t appear that anyone has considered any innovative ideas other than to destroy established neighborhoods and drive down property values. We are recently retired and will have to seriously think about moving if this type of rezoning & over development continue. Once destroyed, good luck trying to build it back!
Please send these comments to your Council representative! Important they know your thoughts!