Zoning and Planning Committee Recommendation
City Planning Department has proposed the following text amendment
Purpose of Text Amendment:
Revises the DRMC to change who may submit an application to partially rezone a Former Chapter (FC) 59 Planned Unit Development (PUD) to a district in the Denver Zoning Code (DZC)
Existing Requirement:
Consent from 100% property owners within the entire PUD, including portion not being rezoned (unless PUD expressly states otherwise)
Proposed Requirement:
Consent from only those property owners within the portion being rezoned to a district in the DZC.
The text amendment can be found at:
There are 500 of these districts scattered across the city. 50% of rezonings are from the old code to the new code. Notices of rezoning are given to RNOs, but not the PUDs.
The Zoning and Planning Committee recommends that INC oppose the Text Amendment to the Denver Revised Municipal Charter regarding the partial rezoning of Planned Unit Developments in the Former Chapter 59 zoning code (before 2010) to the current Denver Zoning Code because Reduction in notifications to property owners in PUD. Their thinking is that all property owners in a PUD should be notified even if their property is not being rezoned because the PUD they bought in is being changed.
ZAP Committee Vote:
ABSTAIN: 3, including Joel Noble
See the revision
so much better