ZAP Meeting Agenda- May 16 2015

Inter-Neighborhood Cooperation POBox 300684, Denver, CO 80218
May 8, 2015
To: INC Zoning and Planning Committee
From: Margie Valdez and Greg Kerwin:
Please attend the next ZAP committee meeting:
SATURDAY, MAY16, 2015 Calendar Event
9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
1201 Williams Street – 19th floor party room
(North edge of Cheesman Park)(Guest parking is available to south of high rise and also on both sides of East13th Ave.)
AGENDA: Please bring a pencil or pen and paper – the speakers will be presenting important information for ZAP committee members which you will want to share with your RNOs.
l. Community Planning and Development – Evelyn Baker, Deputy Director, Community Planning and Development. Evelyn will present on the updates to the CPD website as well as presenting an overview of Community Planning Development.
2. Board of Adjustment Zoning – Janice Tilden. Everything you should know in presenting appeals, objections or your position of support before the Board of Adjustment.
3. Housekeeping Issues for ZAP Committee.
4. Any other issues which you believe will be of benefit to the registered neighborhood organizations and how the INC ZAP Committee can facilitate the process. YOUR IDEAS AND SUGGESTIONS WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATED.
Thanks to Gertie Grant,, for being our e-mail person. If you are no longer able to attend meetings, please ask Gertie to remove you from the agenda list. Also, please invite others from your group to attend our meetings.
The committee usually meets on the fourth Saturday of each month. Please calendar ahead. The June meeting will be held on June 27th, 2015.
ZAP Meeting Agenda- May 16 2015 — No Comments
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