West Area Neighborhood Plan Initiative
Denver’s Neighborhood Planning Initiative is a long-term commitment to ensure every corner of the city can enjoy the benefits of an area plan. Since its launch in 2017, residents, neighborhood groups, and community leaders have been working alongside the city’s neighborhood planning team to create a vision and plan for their areas.
Help launch the West Area Plan
Join us on Saturday, October 5, as we launch the planning process for the neighborhoods of Barnum, Barnum West, Sun Valley, Valverde, Villa Park and West Colfax. Tell us about your community and be a part of creating a vision for these neighborhoods.
West Area Plan Kickoff
9:30-11:30 a.m., Saturday, October 5
Newlon Elementary School
361 Vrain Street, Denver
Food, childcare and Spanish interpretation will be provided. To request a sign language interpreter, contact signlanguageservices@denvergov.org at least three business days before the event.
Help us get the word out!
We want every corner of the plan area represented in the planning process. To encourage participation from as many people as possible, we invite you to download the bilingual flier and share it with your friends and neighbors
Ayude a lanzar el Plan Oeste
Únase a nosotros el sábado 5 de octubre, mientras lanzamos el proceso de planificación para los vecindarios de Barnum, Barnum West, Sun Valley, Valverde, Villa Park y West Colfax. Cuéntenos sobre su comunidad y sea parte de la creación de una visión para estos vecindarios.
Inicio del Plan del Area Oeste
9:30-11:30 a.m., sábado 5 de octubre
Escuela Primaria de Newlon
361 Vrain Street, Denver
Se proporcionará comida, cuidado de niños e interpretación en español. Para solicitar un intérprete de lenguaje de señas, comuníquese con signlanguageservices@denvergov.org al menos tres días hábiles antes del evento.
¡Ayúdanos a correr la voz!
Queremos que cada rincón del área del plan esté representado en el proceso de planificación. Para alentar la participación de tantas personas como sea posible, lo invitamos a descargar el folleto bilingüe y compartirlo con sus amigos y vecinos.
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