Watch Out for Vacation Rental Scams- AARP Bulletin
Crooks prey on tenants, property owners
Diane and James Huning own a bungalow near San Diego. “Our daughter lives out there, and when we’re not visiting her, we rent it out,” says Diane, 69. “It’s a really nice home.”
A scammer agreed. Posing as an interested renter, he sang its praises, booking a nine-day stay for $985 via Huning’s rental posting on, a popular website. (The initials stand for “vacation rentals by owner.”) But when the advance check for the rental arrived, it was for $1,960.

If you’re looking to rent a vacation property, beware of scammers posing as landlords. — Chris Lyons
“There was a mix-up by the bank,” the scammer told Diane by email. Could she please deposit the check and mail back the difference? The retiree obliged. Bad move — several days after her deposit, her bank told her the check was fraudulent. But she’d already sent the “extra” $975. It was gone forever.
Take note, rental property owners. You’re the latest target in vacation rental scams. “Scammers also try to get the log-in and other credentials of property owners to pose as them to solicit rental fees,” says Carl Shepherd, founder of VRBO’s parent company, HomeAway. “It’s really a matter of ‘let the buyer beware.’ ”
Vacation rental scams have traditionally targeted people seeking to rent a property. Crooks steal photos and descriptions of properties for sale on real estate websites, then advertise rentals at rock-bottom prices. After a deal is struck — typically by email — renters are asked for payment upfront. When they arrive they discover that the rental doesn’t exist, or that the actual owner isn’t renting it. In addition to lost payments — an estimated $18.5 million per year — renters risk identity theft from disclosures they have made on bogus application forms.
Here’s how to protect yourself
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