Tag Archives: President
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A fundamental right afforded to the American Citizen is the RIGHT TO VOTE, to “Participate in the Process.” If one has the opportunity to vote and chooses not to do so, in essence that person is saying, “I don’t care”, “my vote won’t count”, or “things won’t change.” Well, you are right; unless you vote, they won’t change!
A Message From George Mayl, President

there are 13 months until the municipal elections. If your RNO and surrounding fellow neighborhoods feel your Council Person is not representing you and your fellow neighbors’ best interests, you opportunity is at hand.
April 2018 Meeting, A Message From The President

School children in and around ESG neighborhoods are subjected to toxic conditions their fellow students in other parts of Denver are lucky to escape. This will be our focus at the next Delegate Meeting located at Holy Transfiguration of Christ Cathedral located at 349 East 47th Ave. 80216 on April 14th

I wish to thank you all for entrusting the stewardship of the Inter Neighborhood Cooperation to me going forward. As I stated at our March 10th meeting, we need to grow our organization in membership and public awareness. With your help and support we will do just that. To accomplish this however, we all must participate in this endeavor through our Registered Neighborhood Organizations(RNOs) working together in our respective districts and the city on the whole.
A March Message From President George Mayl

We are having elections for President, Secretary and (3) Delegate-at Large positions. I need not tell you that it is vital for our future to elect Directors that share the same neighborhood zeal our past officers held. There are also open positions on the Safety and Education Committees. Please step up and take an active part in your INC.