Saturday’s Meeting
Margie sent out notes from Saturday’s meetings.
There will a change to the bylaws that delegates who do not pay dues by February 15th (45 days prior to election) will not be eligible to vote in the March officer elections.
Executive Committee will be trained on Robert’s Rules. Loretta will speak to an attorney for training. Payment for a parliamentarian may be an option.
Both sides of issues will be presented; and, ideally, motions will be presented in writing.
Meeting attendance requirements or charges will not be set, but organization attendance will be reported.
Dignitaries, Mayor’s office, and non-delegate RNO’s will be invited to dinners.
Child care will be considered for future forums but not for dinner.
February Forum will be for diversity / displacement / gentrification. Drew suggested a committee be set up for it. He also recommended a professor from Columbia be invited, since she will be in town around the same time as the forum. He will follow up on outreach to her.