Inter-Neighborhood Cooperation Executive Committee Meeting Daniels Building 101 Monroe St. October 10th, 2016 Attending: Board: John Riecke, Drew Dutcher, Steve Nissen, Tom Mobley Exec. Committee: Johan Barrios, Jane Lorimer, Maggie Price, Margie Valdez 2017 Dinner Chair: Jane Potts NOTE: a quorum was not present. The meeting was conducted unofficially and for informational purposes. No votes were held. Welcome Tom Mobley, …Continue reading →
Election Forum: Working with League of Women Voters to provide election forum. Will happen at Denver Channel 8 studio at the City Council Building. Requesting $500 this year ($250 last year plus administrative costs/secretarial of $286). INC to consider contribution of “not more than” $500 – need to clarify wording. Should be we a donor or a sponsor this year?
According to By-Laws and Standing Rules PLANNING: Develop a Strategic Plan to guide the Budget Committee REPORTS: Receive monthly reports from the Treasurer regarding all income, expenses, balances and bank transfers Receive quarterly reports (or more often if appropriate) from the Budget Committee Receive routine reports from Committee Chairs DINNER: MAY be voting committee for Award selection If there is …Continue reading →
INC Executive Committee Meeting
January 11, 2016
Epworth United Methodist Church
Meeting called to order at: 6:39pm
Board of Directors: Larry Ambrose, Bibi Alexander, JJ Niemann, John Riecke, Meg Schomp, Maggie Price, Darcy Wilson
Committee Chairs: Education, Meg Schomp; Communication, Maggie Price; Membership, JJ Niemann; Budget, John Riecke; Parks and Recreation, Maggie Price, Cindy Johnstone; Public Safety, Merce Lea; Transportation, Joel Noble; Charitable Giving, Joanne Kuemmerlin; INC Dinner, Jane Potts
The Executive Committee consists of the members of the Board of Directors and Committee Chairs as shown below. Board of Directors Officers Keith Meyer President 2024-2026 Sloans Lake Citizens Group LaMone Noles Vice President 2024-2025 East Denver Residents Council Judy Baxter Secretary 2024-2026 Historic Montclair Greg Sorenson Treasurer 2023-2025 Neighbors for Greater Capitol Hill Delegates-at-Large 2023-2025 …Continue reading →