Tag Archives: awards
Youth Civic Awards Announcement
The Inter-Neighborhood Cooperation (INC) is inviting Denver-based school classes and youth groups that actively conduct civic engagement projects to apply for an award recognizing their efforts. Two $500 and one $1000 award will be presented on February 12, 2020 for activities that occurred during 2019. Inter-Neighborhood Cooperation’s mission is to advocate for Denver citizens by bringing together, informing and empowering … Continue reading →
INC Neighborhood Awards
INC’s annual Neighborhood Awards dinner is around the corner in late January. Be thinking about who in your neighborhood has gone the extra mile to make your community a better place to live, work and play; someone who has improved the quality of life for your community.
INC Annual Neighborhood Awards Dinner 2018 Registration
2017 Annual INC Neighborhood Awards and Silent Auction (Photos)
The purpose of Inter-Neighborhood Cooperation’s Annual Awards Dinner is to honor those who have contributed to improving our community and their neighborhoods. INC also holds a silent auction as an annual fundraiser to benefit its continued efforts to engage in addressing City issues.
The professional photographer, Bernard Grant, took some great pictures of our 2017 INC Awards Dinner
Awards Dinners
[crellyslider alias=”past_dinner_montage”] PAST DINNERS 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019