PARC said it has long been asking for Denver Parks and Rec numbers regarding costs and income from park use. PARC also is interested in the taking of park property for other uses. O’Brien indicates this accounting is improving, but still problematic. Every city contract includes the requirement of an audit by the City Auditor. PARC emphasized the need of returning park zoning to a form that requires vote of City Council (citizens’ elected channel) for use changes. Mr. O’Brien said that some City Councilpersons are in close contact with his office for information, and all are welcome.
PARC was reminded that the portion of this meeting regarding a proposed large music festival at Overland Golf Course site was strictly to be focused on “process.” This appeared to mean both the current process OSE is going through to make a decision on permitting this event, and a more permanent process to follow for future situations like it. If a contract is signed it will be for a period of 5 years. A great amount of time and energy already has been expended in OSE meetings with numerous groups to garner input.
A audio transcript of this process discussion can be listened to below. Please press the play arrow to hear. or Click to download and play on your own device
As a follow-up from PARC’s January meeting, Cindy and Maggie presented and distributed copies of Tom Morris’s proposed Amendment to the zoning ordinance regarding Park use and responsibility. Tom has reached out to all council members and has met with most except Paul Lopez, Robin Kneich and Stacey Gilmore who did not accept his invitation to talk. His amendment assigns the responsibility to create park OS-A subdistricts and park zoning maps to the Department of Parks and Recreation.