RNO Survey By Paul Kashmann
At the request of Councilman Kashmann, Steve Charbonneau, created a survey regarding RNOs and their function.
Please see the letter that was attached.
Dear RNO leader —
For a representative government to function effectively, it is important there be a robust exchange of information between the government and its constituents. Neighbors must be informed about the activities of the government and have a channel through which to let their opinions of those activities be known.
In the coming months we will look at how that city/neighborhood communication might be improved.
Among the primary channels in Denver intended to facilitate that two-way communication is the system of Registered Neighborhood Organizations (RNOs) created in the 1970s. Since that time, RNOs have received notification of rezonings, license applications and other city processes, with the intent that they inform their community about these activities, and, in turn, advise city agencies of the conscience of their community on these matters.
The attached survey is designed to understand more about how RNOs are functioning and get RNO opinions on what, if any, support might help them to function more effectively. It is being sent to RNOs citywide.
Paul Kashmann
Denver City Council, District 6
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