Purple Pipe provides recycled water
The INC PARC (Parks And Recreation Committee) met April 21 at Brookdale, 2020 S. Monroe St . Present were co-chair Katie Fisher, Steve Fisher, Ray Ehrenstein, James Sample, Brad Cameron, Jay and Kathleen Rust, Greg Sorensen, Paula Kauffman, Diana Helper, Sonia John, Anne Elizabeth Auscolo, and guest speaker DPR Ranger Bob Toll.
Bob Toll presented a summary of DPR Rules and Regulation changes and process, which include updating present rules and regs to meet changing needs. He stated that summer staffing has a total of 30 rangers: Six for urban parks, plus fourteen temporary and seasonal; two for mountain parks, plus eight seasonal. Rangers may warn and ticket in any areas that are maintained by DPR, usually giving a warning first. Rules and regs are posted in parks, and new pocket copies will be available soon. If you need to call a Ranger to check on activity you see that may be illegal, dial 311. (In emergencies of course dial 911.) Bob had a copy of the 41-page DPR Draft 3-6-15 Redline Proposed Revisions to Current Rules & Regulations, which is online. All are urged to study it, as it goes to PRAB May 14.
Sonia John presented three well-done studies regarding the effect of recycled water on park trees, especially conifers. Although age, construction and mower damage, and climate changes can affect trees, that is not enough to account for their poor condition. The studies show that the sodium content of recycled water is exceedingly detrimental to the trees. Using recycled water saves DPR money, but the removal and replacement of trees, now and over time, is considerable expense. Letters have been drafted to Denver Water (asking for specific additional data) and to DPR on this topic, (see side panel, letters were sent). As new parks are added to the use of recycled water, comparative studies can be made.
Letter To Lauri Dannemiller
A report on the April 20 City Council “Denver Zoo 20-Year Building Plan” hearing, from Hank Bootz and Louis Plachaeski, was read by Katie Fisher. Unlike the information citizens had received, this Plan allows for all parts of the plan to go ahead without further Council vote over the years. Many Zoo proponents appeared to speak in favor, Hank and Louis gave impassioned testimony against, and only one Councilperson (Kneach) voted against it. Council cited the number of proponents as a determining factor. Had citizens been aware of the lack of future Council control, they would have come in droves. A discussion of other such situations ensued. It is believed public hearings should be for information and further consideration, not immediate vote.
Katie reported on PRAB. When mayoral appointees are not present, there is not a quorum so no vote is taken. Cheesman Park residents present have protested adding more commercial business in that park, and in fact want all commercial business such as for-profit classes, etc., out of parks. DPR is not allowing such businesses in order to bring in money, but to “activate” parks and please the businesses.
Ann Elizabeth said that a PARC rep should come to the April 30 Globeville meeting at the Stock Show Complex, 5:30-7:30 p.m. where the designation of parks in that area will be discussed. It is hoped Jay can attend that meeting.
Diana said the Gulch (Urban Waterways) Restoration Study has three public meetings, 5:30-7:30 p.m. with Presentation 6-6:30 p.m. : April 29 at Fairview Elem. School , 2715 W. 11thAve. ; May 6 at Harvard Gulch Rec Ctr., 550 E. Iliff Ave. ; May 7 at Barnum Rec Ctr. 360 W. Hooker St. Visit the website for more info and to comment. Project sponsors are Denver Public Works, Colo. Water Conservation Bd., Urban Drainage & Flood Control Dist. 1, and US Army Corps of Engineers. Jay said DPR is hoping to take over some city land along trails, parks.
Meeting adjourned at 8 p.m. Next meeting 6-8 p.m. May 19.
–Diana Helper, PARC member
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