New Developments, Park Hill Golf Course Purchase
From: Kim Kucera <>
Date: November 16, 2017 at 7:55:27 PM MST
To: “” <>, “Albus Brooks (” <>,”Charlotte M. Brantley” <>, “Chris Herndon (” <>,
Subject: Update from tonight’s PCAC meeting from Charlotte Brantley
Dear PCAC Members,I wanted to make sure the entire PCAC, even those who could not attend the meeting this evening, heard this information from me before you hear it from another source. At this evening’s PCAC meeting I provided a significant update to the community.Our current golf operator, Arcis Golf has certain rights under their lease agreement with Clayton. These rights include the ability to extend the lease for two 5-year terms and also a right of first refusal on the property. Until very recently Clayton believed that Arcis did not intend to exercise these rights based on the long history of losing money on Park Hill Golf Course operations. However, Clayton has recently been made aware that Arcis has not made a decision on this matter and they intend to continue to evaluate options for some period of time, their decision could come as late as July 2018.This has several consequences that we know of tonight and I wanted to provide you with this information as soon as possible. However that means I may not have all the answers to your questions just yet, I hope that you will bear with us while we consider how to move forward with this new information.What we know now is the city needs to obtain rights to a portion of the golf course to proceed with the design of their drainage project so that construction can begin in January of 2019. As such the city will be filing a land acquisition ordinance (LAO) that will be considered by City Council in December. This LAO will allow the City to obtain rights to a maximum of 90 acres of property, likely this will be through a temporary easement for the 90 acres to allow for construction and a permanent easement for a smaller footprint once the drainage project is complete.Second, to give Clayton time to think through this new information we will be canceling the December PCAC. Once we have more information we will provide it to you. In the meantime I hope you know how much your time and energy means to me and the children we serve at Clayton. I hope each of you have a lovely Thanksgiving and holiday season.Charlotte Brantley,President and CEO Clayton Early Learning

Denver suspends attempt to purchase Park Hill Golf Course after trust that owns it faces “unresolved lease issue”
City plans instead to seek land-use rights to portion of property so it can build stormwater detention area
Jon Murray Denver Post | | The Denver Post
Denver has suspended a plan to purchase the Park Hill Golf Course from a private trust because of an “unresolved lease issue” with the course’s operator, officials with Denver Public Works and the trust confirmed to The Denver Post.
But the city isn’t abandoning the plan entirely — officials still will pursue rights to use a portion of the course as a stormwater detention area as part of a wide-ranging northeast Denver drainage plan, said Nancy Kuhn, the communications director for Denver Public Works.
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