HomeDelegateMotion for the June INC Delegates meeting – Denver Deserves Sidewalks


Motion for the June INC Delegates meeting – Denver Deserves Sidewalks — 3 Comments

  1. @Fred, why do you think it will kill trees? Even when the tree lawn is narrow the sidewalks can curve around them.

    Come to Congress Park & see 911 Madison. I posted about it on twitter here:

    Poor neighborhoods & neighborhoods of color are also disproportionately impacted. I think the inverted-L is visible on the map.

  2. This will kill so many trees and also adds a lot of impervious ground where less vegetation can be planted. I have been hearing that poor neighborhoods were the target of less tree planting so it creates more heat in those areas not having trees and shade. Well this would prevent even more trees and also provide a surface that gathers and retains even more heat.

    This is called Pathological Altruism, I know you mean well, but you are helping kill the environment

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