Missing The Point On Urban Density
By The Denver Post Editorial Board
Posted Denver Post: 06/10/2015 05:00:00 PM MDT
The ferment in Denver over density and development, which rocked recent City Council contests, continued this week when the lame-duck council approved a rezoning request next to Crestmoor Park over the objections of most nearby residents.

DENVER, CO – JUNE 08: Crestmoor neighborhood residents gathered in large numbers during a city council meeting to discuss a proposed rezoning of a church property to make room for an apartment complex near Crestmoor Park. City council heard from the community regarding the rezoning, which was largely opposed to by residents in matching orange shirts reading, “Rezone it Right 4 Crestmoor Park,” on Monday, June 8, 2015. (Photo by AAron Ontiveroz/The Denver Post)
And over the objection of the local council member, too.
Would the newly elected council, which will be seated next month, have taken a different tack? Impossible to say. But the 8 to 4 vote likely would have been closer, since five of the “yes” members are departing and only one of the “no” votes is moving on.
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