Inter-Neighborhood Cooperation Revised By-Laws
For several months the INC By-Law committee has been working on a revision to the current by-laws. These documents will be sent out and are posted here for review.
Please see our memorandum for an explanation of the revisions.
Redlined Version
Final Working Draft
Original Bylaws
Just some thoughts/questions regarding the Bylaws update.
1.) For RNOs in need, could we add a box in the Membership registration for them to select, or maybe put (Waiver Available) after the Standard Membership Option?
Just thinks it needs to be easier to see for others that they can get help with membership.
2.) Personally, I feel we should restrict RNO Membership to mean being a resident of that neighborhood. Should be the same address as their voter registration. Otherwise, people could live in one neighborhood, & then become a Denver INC Delegate from another.