Committee Co-Chairs Charles Nadler and Ean Tafoya convened the meeting. The following items were discussed.
- Libbie Adams and Kyle Dalton of the Community Planning and Development Department presented to the committee a proposed text amendment to the Zoning Code regarding who may apply to re-zone a portion of an existing Planned Unit Development. They anticipate that the final hearing before City Council will be on April 8. Currently, all property-owners within a PUD must apply to rezone any portion of a PUD. The proposal is to require consent from only those property-owners within the portion being rezoned. Some committee members felt that the new process would disenfranchise the other property owners inside a PUD. Currently, there are approximately 500 PUDs in the city. Since 2010 the city has been trying to reduce and/or simplify PUDs, many of which are outdated. Many are very large, such as near the airport and Green Valley Ranch. Those with questions may contact A motion was made and seconded that the committee should recommend to the INC Delegation that INC should oppose the text amendment and that more outreach to registered neighborhood organizations was needed. The motion passed by a vote of 24 in favor, 0 opposed and 3 abstentions (including Joel Noble, who is a member of the Planning Board).
- Charles Nadler updated the committee on the status of discussions about controversial possible new construction within Larimer Square, which is Denver’s first historic district. After numerous meetings of a citizen advisory group formed by the owner and discussion of 12 possible proposals, there is no consensus and the owner has put the project on further hold. Charles and other ZAP committee members said that there needs to be a clear analysis of all government funds and non-profit grants that are available to help with needed rehabilitation of many of the structures and that the alterations proposed would set a very bad precedent for other historic structures and districts.
- The committee discussed the future review plans for the Denveright plans, including Comprehensive Plan 2040, Blueprint Denver and Game Plan, with comments from the public on the second drafts due no later than February 27. Tentatively the City Council will consider adoption of the Comprehensive Plan and Blueprint Denver on April 15 and the Game Plan a few weeks thereafter. The Denver Moves Transit Plan and Pedestrians and Trails Plans do not need to be approved by City Council, since they are not amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. Some committee members expressed concerns, including:
- Accessory dwelling units seem to be allowed in all residential neighborhoods, even those that do not want that added density
- There do not seem to be any edges left for stable neighborhoods
- There should be better protection of existing open space
- Several areas, including Lowry, do not have a designated context
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