INC ZAP Meeting
9:30 – 11:30am
1201 Williams Street – 19th-floor party room
(North edge of Cheesman Park)
(Guest parking is available to south of high rise and also on both sides of East 13th Ave.)
- 1. Discussion with Steve Ferris, the recently-appointed Denver Director of Development Services, which includes plan reviews, building inspections and neighborhood inspections.
- 2. Discussion with Jessica Ugarte of Historic Denver about the launch of Discover Denver, the citywide historic survey.
- 3. Discussion with Barbara Stocklin-Steely, director of the Landmark Preservation Commission about plans to update the Commission’s design guidelines.
- 4. Discussion of motion (already passed by INC’s Parks and Recreation Committee) to urge city not to relax current requirement for at least 10% open space in General Development Plans.
- 5. Discussion with representative of Denver’s Road Home about cold-weather emergency shelter plan – where will the shelters be located and how will neighborhoods be informed and engaged?
- 6. Any other business.
Thanks to Gertie Grant,, for being our e-mailperson. If you are no longer able to attend meetings, please ask her to remove you from the agenda list. Also, please invite others from your group to attend our meetings.
The committee usually meets on the fourth Saturday of each month. The next meeting will be on November 23.