INC Transportation Committee July 14 2022
INC Transportation Committee – Thursday, July 14th, 6-8 p.m. via Zoom
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Denver Moves Everyone 2050 Update – Taylor Phillips, DOTI Associate City Planner
Denver Moves Everyone 2050 is a citywide plan identifying transportation solutions that will make it easier to get where we want to go. The plan will prioritize equitable and safe solutions for Denverites, and seek to improve the movement of goods and services ensuring you have access to everything you need. To accomplish this vision, the plan will focus on improving all the ways we travel – whether rolling, walking, bicycling, taking transit or driving – and all the ways we manage traffic and freight. At our meeting this month, City staff will present an overview of Denver Moves Everyone, findings from the State of the System Report, and some of the exciting tools that have been developed through this planning effort.
Micromobility Update – Stephen Rijo, DOTI Principal City Planner
This month, we’re going to get an update on Denver’s Micromobility program from Stephen Rijo. We last heard from Stephen when the current two-vendor bike and scooter share program was nearing completion. We’ll hear an update on how the program is going — key metrics they look at, feedback from the community, and progress on vendor-provided micromobilty corrals. We’ll also hear about other elements of the micro mobility program, and a view into what’s next.
Future of Shared Streets – Jay Decker, DOTI Transportation Innovation Manager
During the pandemic, Denver experimented with various shared street models. Learning from these installations, Denver will soon be kicking off a permanent shared streets program, and we’re going to be among the first to hear about it at our July meeting. Starting with a recap of the temporary program and its results, Jay Decker will let us know about the timeline and resources for the permanent program, and connect with us on community engagement and analysis opportunities.
Freedom to Walk – Allen Cowgill & Jacob Smith
Did you know that a disproportionate about of jaywalking tickets are given to people of color in Denver? Allen Cowgill with the Denver Bicycle Lobby and Jacob Smith, a Vision Zero and Mobility Justice Community Organizer, will present some important information about the this topic and about their in-progress conversations about regulatory change in Denver. To support Denver’s look at this mode and racial equity topic, they have important lessons and data from places like Kansas City and Virginia that have decriminalized walking.
00:00:00 Introductions
00:00:12 Denver Moves Everyone 2050 Update – Taylor Phillips, DOTI Associate City Planner
00:32:33 Micromobility Update – Stephen Rijo, DOTI Principal City Planner
01:02:29 Future of Shared Streets – Jay Decker, DOTI Transportation Innovation Manager
01:31:17 Freedom to Walk – Allen Cowgill & Jacob Smith
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