INC Responds To Rosedale School Possible Sale
Denver’s Rosedale school has sat vacant for 15 years. Now someone wants to buy it.
Chalkbeat – By Melanie Asmar 1/9/2020

Denver’s Rosedale Elementary, located at 2330 South Sherman Street. PHOTO CREDIT: Melanie Asmar/Chalkbeat
An organization has expressed interest in buying the Denver school district’s sole remaining shuttered elementary school, Rosedale, and turning it into a private school.
Denver Public Schools has not revealed the name of the organization or the details of the offer. But Deputy Superintendent of Operations Mark Ferrandino said the offer has set in motion a public conversation about what to do with the southeast Denver elementary school, which was closed in 2005 to save money.
“The offer is what triggered it but that doesn’t mean yes, we’re going to go sell,” Ferrandino said. “It means let’s talk to the community. All the options are on the table.”
In addition to selling to the interested organization, the district could seek out other bids, lease the building, reopen it for use by the district as a school or something else, or leave it mothballed.
An idea to turn Rosedale into affordable housing for Denver teachers was scrapped two years ago after pushback from the neighborhood.
At the time, several neighbors said they wanted the district to reopen Rosedale as a public school. With just 12 classrooms, it would be among the district’s smallest.
But district officials said there were already enough schools serving the neighborhood. A new enrollment analysis released last month predicts flat to declining enrollment in that part of southeast Denver over the next five years, a trend seen district wide.
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