INC Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting September 18 2018
INC PARC (Parks and Recreation Committee) met September 18, 2018 at Brookdale Univ. Park.
Present were: Co-chair Maggie Price, Diana Helper, Ronnie Crawford, George Mayle, Helene Orr, Ean Tafoya, and Kailyn Lamb.
Maggie called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Guest speaker: Jennifer Williams, Sr. Engineer Public Works, working with the US Army Corps of Engineers on a feasibility study to improve 2.4 miles of S. Platte in historic Grant Frontier Park area. She gave a slide presentation about the project. Plans began in 2016, construction will start in 2020 and completion by the end of 2021. Riparian and Aquatics are addressed with dikes, re-vegetation and riverbank changes included. PARC took exception to the plan to remove a great number of trees, to level the banks and provide activity areas. Trees are of major importance for climate, and provide shade, ozone, homes for birds, shelter for wild life. PARC points out the river level must be studied for its likely future with Climate Change, before a plan is made, and requests that a knowledgeable group take a walk-through to see what can be saved, what will be replaced in kind. This is a $12,400,000 project.
PARC discussed Denveright, encouraging comparison with Blueprint Denver, which it is to replace. There are important matters that need changing and updating, for instance old and new descriptions of open space, and addressing climate change for future plans. A Draft of such comparisons by PARC members and others has been created. Please check links posted on for much more.
PARC commented on the recent 3-day festival at Overland Golf Course. It was managed quite well, especially after the first night. Still, it was a hassle for the neighborhood. Some PARC members thought the main stage was terrific; others were not so impressed. Comments included: Why did it not use the Festival Park prepared at Stock Show area? Will there be more local bands included in future? How many people were there at a time? Will neighbors get any compensation? A check at Park Hill Golf Course found it packed with golfers and diners. The DU Campus area was perhaps rather quiet because students, just back to school, were at Grandoozy. Ronnie said a Progress Report from the Event is planned on September 27 at Overland North, S. Delaware St., Overland Crossing.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
Next PARC meeting is Tues., October 16, 6-8 p.m. at Brookdale.
–Diana Helper, PARC member
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