INC PARC Notes July 17 2018
INC PARC notes From July 17, 2018
INC PARC (Parks and Recreation Committee) met July 17 at 6:00 p.m. at Brookdale UP, 2020 S. Monroe St. Present were: co-chairs Maggie Price and Cindy Johnstone, Katie and Steve Fisher, Diana Helper, Greg Sorensen, Nancy Francis, Amy Harris, Ronnie Crawford, Helene Orr, Blair Taylor, and guest speaker Dan Goldhammer from CSU Extension Center discussing Drought, Irrigation and Soil.
Dan, an expert horticulturist, gave an illustrated talk including information on the physiological effects of drought, types of soil, plants that do best with less water, best way to water –deeply and infrequently, to mulch thinly farther from trees (not a clump at the base), and said CSU Extension is a source of help for answers to many questions we may have.
Cindy gave an update on the DPR Alcohol in the Parks policy, a one-year pilot program to begin Jan. 1, 2019. There remain questions of liability, rules differentiating consumption and possession, the status of malt liquor, the tracking of citizen comments. Answers to questions we have posed will be on line.
Amy and Nancy reported Red Rocks info on the proposed “paving” of the planter boxes, need for proper attention to the historic significance and original plants and trees enhancement for the Park (Helene has studied these plans), and again- liability issues. The International Code deals with “railings,”
More information about current decision
Campaign To Save The Famous Planters At Red Rocks Is Successful
Westword Proposed Planter Changes Withdrawn
Maggie reviewed the Park Hill Golf Course decision to renew its lease for five years, and likely increase in use of the course, as well as the club house, restaurant, and meeting areas. The City has taken 20-30 acres in eminent domain. Arcis Golf has filed suit against Clayton Early Learning.
Dallas-based operator Arcis Golf contends that a scuttled plan by the city of Denver to buy the land should have triggered Arcis’ contractual right of first refusal to purchase the course itself, according to its lawsuit, filed in Denver District Court. It targets Clayton Early Learning, an education nonprofit that manages the George W. Clayton Trust, which owns the land. Clayton Attorneys have asked for dismissal.
The newest filings can be found here
Blair spoke about the Fairfax Park Land Swap. A neighborhood meeting Aug. 2 will discuss this proposal, which appears to be decided by the City. The issues of gentrification, alternative park space, mitigation, and transparency are all involved.
See below a letter from President George Mayl concerning this park
Katie said the proposed Tax Increase for parks and open space does not include Rec Centers. It is unclear how the money would be spent. The Trust for Public Land is in favor, as it appears also is City Council. The many homeless believe money is more needed for housing. Others, for sidewalks.
Please see these bills for an ordinance increasing the sales and use tax by a rate of 0.25 percent and dedicating the revenue derived from the tax rate increase to fund Denver parks, trails, and open space, subject to the approval of the voters at a special municipal election to be conducted in coordination with the state general election on November 6, 2018.
Please see documents here
There is increasing talk of returning voting power to City Council in park matters. City Council has mentioned it is time for this. An INC sub committee has been formed to work with Lisa Calderon of the Colorado Latino forum, who also is looking amending the Denver City Charter. The mechanism removing oversight by Council regarding zoning in Parks was removed in the 2010 zoning code. The City Attorney claims that it would require change to the City Charter to return it to its former wording.
PARC has nine questions for those campaigning, to put in the INC Survey of candidates. These questions will be tightened up a bit for this survey.
Ronnie reported on South Platte River plans, including Mississippi to Colfax and on to REI.
Rules for electric scooters in parks (Not in parks) are being discussed.
PARC will not meet in Aug. Next meeting Tue., Sept. 18.
–Diana Helper
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