INC PARC Meeting Notes June 19, 2018
INC PARC met at 6:00 p.m. June 19 at Brookfield UP. Present were: co-chairs Cindy Johnstone and Maggie Price, Greg Sorensen, Ronnie Crawford, Nancy Francis, Blair Taylor, Ean Tafoya, Diana Helper, Kathleen and Jay Rust, Katie and Steve Fisher.
A lively meeting, with many opinions opined, sometimes refined, some overlapping. Nobody napping.
South Platte River and Denver Water Supply Cindy brought up the “too much lead in the water” matter, the State has decreed it be solved by adding Orthophosphates to control corrosion of lead water pipes in our major water sources; others say will ruin the water for plants/wildlife so an alternative should be used…if not a lawsuit is hovering. PARC agreed it doesn’t have enough info to opine. Please see the link provided by the Greenway Foundation on their position and present litigation.
Fairfax Park, which has rather the look of a long ago done deal but is now at a point where City officially gives the residential west side corner lot (to have been a neighborhood park) rezoned , to the developer of the east side business group, who then inserts the space in his development and calls it a park. And uses the west corner for parking. Like the neighbors we think it very complex and never well explained as to the value of the switch, and much more. This item will go to LUTI on June 26. Please attend if you are concerned about the perceived lack of transparency around this issue
A timeline of events surrounding the proposed swap can be found HERE
In late May, Co-chairs Cindy Johstone and Maggie Price wrote a letter council expressing their concern. The letter can be FOUND HERE
Red Rocks update- Jeffco already OK’d a large solar array which will impact the Red Rocks Park View Plane. So much for official VPs. Better news is it looks as if the buses to RR events will bring folks right up to the top. SO Take the Bus!
Alcohol In The Parks will now have a one year (Jan.’19-‘20) Trial with all parks open for beer and wine. Nothing so far is added regarding sufficient bathrooms, enforcement, more liquor making more events, and more areas fenced off from general public use, for instance. At end of year all comments and complaints recorded will be evaluated and a report made. SO Be SURE TO RECORD YOUR OPINIONS PROPERLY, CALLING OR EMAILING 311 Or call 911. Pass it on!
*Alcohol in Park Policy starts at HERE
There will be public comment at the Parks and Rec Advisory meeting July 11, the public is encouraged to comment on the policy.
Removing City Council from vote on DPR park use issues seemed easy a few years back, but putting the vote back in City Council is harder. Still, it is a necessary move, to give citizens a local elected voice. INC and PARC & ZAP are persevering. Also the public needs to know details on park budget expenses.
Proposed dedicated parks tax floated by CM Jolon Clark. Clark’s proposal would increase the city’s sales tax rate by 0.25 percent, or 2.5 cents per $10 purchase. That would bring the effective sales tax to 7.9 percent on regular purchases.
- Grant Frontier Park and the Platte area southward are getting improvements including a boardwalk.
- The City Park Master Plan is complete.
- Park Hill Golf Course decision is very soon.
- Prairie Park grasses are being treated by a professional group.
- The Great &Greener Conference is coming and INC will ask for a “place at the table.”
The next PARC meeting will be Tues. July 17, 6 p.m. at Brookdale, 2020 S. Monroe St.
Diana Helper, PARC member.
P.S. To read all this in rhyme, please let me know.
INC-PARC convened, all prim and pretty
To sing the praises of the city–
It claims to be a fount of health,
Of parks and trees to have a wealth!
Each plan it announces is Fully Fab,
Created in its secret lab,
Where Experts know what is the best
For you and me and all the rest!
They know just how we think and feel!
The Happiest words should be “Done deal!”
Great Neighborhoods! What could go wrong!
With fingers crossed, we sing our song:
Verse 1: A lot of lead, it seems
Is lurking in our taps and streams,
But we must learn more facts, we find
Before we have a settled mind.
Vs. 2: Poor Fairfax Park, alas!
It may have very little grass.
Cafes encroach, and cars abut–
More parking spaces? – what’s worth what?
The neighbors found plans hard to know-
Were they decided long ago?
(PARC found the progress insurmountable
Plans to hold the perps accountable.)
Vs. 3: The Red Rocks view plane? Hey
‘t’will soon include Solar Array!
But it’s hoped buses soon will stop
All the way up at the top.
Vs. 4 is where we all opine
On All parks having beer and wine.
A one-year trial! Will it be daunting?
PARC found some details still are wanting.
(Bathrooms; Areas of fence;
More rangers; liquor means more events…)
Public Hearing? Not at PRAB.
Watch for news from the secret lab.
Vs. 5: The need all PARC agrees–
Return Park Votes to Council, Please!
This gives the public checks & balance-
Reps elected, with local talents.
And where does City budget go?
More details we all need to know.
Vs. 6: A bit of this and that:
Good improvements along the Platte-
Boardwalk south from Grant-Frontier
To Dartmouth, yes it will appear!
The City Park Master Plan is done.
Park Hill Golf Course? A few more days.
Prairie Park grasses getting treated.
Greater & Greener Conference coming-
We’ll ask for a place at the table! Humming,
The meeting adjourned, the aura lingers……
Watch out when we uncross our fingers.
Next PARC meeting: Tues., July 17, 6 p.m. at Brookdale, 2020 S. Monroe.
–Diana Helper, note-taker
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Councilman Clark,
I would like to know just where the $$$ are earmarked for if passage is approved. It appears to this Denver citizen, transparency is not a trait that the Denver Parks and Recs Dept is noted for. Having no elected oversight(City Council gave away the voters voice) they generally do what they wish with impunity..too many outside events in the parks near you? Too bad…Too loud of music..too bad… people throwing up/urinating/defecating in your roses??? Too Bad. Don’t call your Councilperson….they gave your voice away years ago…want your voice back?? May elections are just 11 months away…