INC PARC Jan 2017 Notes
Notes from PARC meeting 1-17-17
INC PARC met January 17 at Brookdale, 2020 S. Monroe St. Present were co-chairs Cindy Johnstone and Maggie Price, Tom Morris, Christine O’Connor, Helene Orr, Ronnie Crawford, Derek Cocovinis, Nancy Francis, Georgia Garnsey, Greg Sorensen, Sonia John, Karen Miller, Phil Hainline, John Riecke, Stephen V. Eppler, Marlene Johnson, Michael Lewis, Bridget Walsh, Ray Ehrenstein, James T. Sample, Mara Owen, Andrew Gohauf, Diana Helper, and guest, Atty. Aaron Goldhamer.
Tom reported on his project to change the present process that allows the manager of DPR to be sole decision-maker regarding the uses of Denver parks, and to return these decisions to City Council for vote. He wished RNOs to discuss his matter. There are no existing requirements for public notice or participation in the existing Zoning Ordinance which assigned park land use control to the ED of PR. Several members of Council have indicated their support for returning control to the Council. Tom is seeking legal assistance to write a proposed Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance.Several PARC members offered assistance in getting support.
Attorney Aaron Goldhamer described J. D. MacFarlane’s lawsuit vs the Mayor, DPR, Public Works, and others regarding the plan to construct a drainage system in City Park Golf Course, closing the historic Course for 18-24 months, questioning whether such construction is a Park Purpose, the lack of needed public vote for construction in a park, the apparent tie-in to 1-70 below-grade plan for flood protection for I-70, Stock Show area. He hopes to get an injunction before construction begins. A public hearing is 1/19, with projected trial in October.
Christine pointed out that a number of Denver parks might be deemed needing “water management” construction, should the City Park golf course facility be allowed, setting an unfortunate precedent. Questions about zoning, city charter, untreated water, air quality, franchises, trash, could arise. The golf course plan is part a 2-1/2 mile drainage project starting at 40th/Dahlia, involving two other parks: Globeville and Park Hill golf course. Run-off contains many contaminants. Construction would eliminate open space, and Denver now is not even at minimum open space- 10 acres/person.
Helene Orr told that there is a discussion with Special Events, Chuck Morris and Overland Park Community to explore holding a music festivals at Overland Park Golf Course. They are discussing a three day music festival with an estimated total attendance of 200,000 over the three days. There were voiced concerns about the damage to the golf course and the negative impact to surrounding areas. A presentation to Overland Park RNO was scheduled for Wednesday Jan 19. Overland Park Neighborhood President Mara Owen has had a significant amount of experience in management of events (Denver Botanic Gardens) and with the neighborhood will meet with the promoters of the event.
Also: Round 9 of park designations is finished, with round 10 coming up.
Scott Gilmore announced the next Round of park designations (which will be Round #10), which are:
1. Confluence Park East – .92 acres
2. SW Rec Center – 6.22 acres
3. Lindsley Park addition – 1.4 acres
4. Asbury & Tejon – 2.12 acres
5. Aqua Golf – 13.8 acres
6. Overland Park – 9.6 acres
PARC has asked DPR to explain its reasons for being unable to designate some parks. Sonia reported on the planned continued remediation of park trees, and mediation of the older trees. Nancy gave an update on the Red Rocks park situation. Ronnie talked about the South Platte water sources, including the contamination from the run-off in to the North Platte. Cindy explained that Arts & Venues will be in charge of Downtown area parks. Current DPR manager is now also Deputy Mayor.
Next PARC meeting is 6-8 p.m. Tues., Feb. 21 at Brookdale. –Diana Helper, PARC member
Additional Media On The Topic Presented
Aaron Goldhamer and Christine O’Connor presentation (Audio Only)
Audio Player
Sorry that several of us got there too late to hear Tom Morris’s presentation. I surely do support returning the responsibility for Denver’s parks to the city council…even if they would rather not take that responsibility. Go, Tom!
I’m going