INC Forum – Safe Outdoor Spaces
INC Forum – Safe Outdoor Spaces
Saturday June 12, 2021 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.Please join Denver’s Inter-Neighborhood Cooperation as we look deeply into the Safe Outdoor Space program to provide temporary shelter for people experiencing unsheltered homelessness in Denver. The meeting is open to the public. CLICK HERE TO PREREGISTER
Our forum will explore questions such as: How do temporary Safe Outdoor Spaces affect neighborhoods as they provide shelter and services for their residents? How does this approach fit in with the range of other approaches to help with homelessness? How are these spaces funded, and what impact are they having?
During this forum, we will hear from neighborhood organizations where the first Safe Outdoor Spaces operated by the Colorado Village Collaborative were located, along with City Council, Colorado Village Collaborative, and Denver zoning administration representatives, and neighbors nearby and within existing Safe Outdoor Spaces for their perspectives.
• Robin Kniech, Denver City Council At-Large
• Cole Chandler, Executive Director, Colorado Village Collaborative
• Tina Axelrad, Denver Zoning Administrator
• Travis Leiker, Executive Director, Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods (CHUN) RNO
• Judy Trompeter, President, Uptown on the Hill RNO
• (TBA), Neighbor living next to a Safe Outdoor Space
• Mark Montes, Safe Open Space Resident
Please register and share this e-mail with your friends and networks!–8RcUx41H-B0WkW
*This meeting and forum will be recorded to be shown on our You Tube channel at a later date
Can we as Denver INC challenge all of our Member RNOs to look for potential future locations for Safe Outdoor Spaces?
For instance, in Congress Park, we could consider the use of the Upper Soccer Fields during the Winter months from End of Fall Soccer to beginning of Spring Soccer. Perhaps Denver Botanic Gardens will allow the use of their upper garage parking lot? We could be looking for more locations, and it doesn’t seem like anyone is helping the Colorado Village Collaborative to locate any.