INC February Delegate Meeting
An Early Valentine’s Day Celebration
2022 Denver Climate Outlook: A Report to Neighborhoods
9:00 – 11:30am, Saturday, February 12, 2022
Join your neighbors for INC’s monthly delegate meeting. After the busines meeting, our program will present a hopeful update from city leaders about our collective work to slow down and adapt to the Climate Crisis. The City and County of Denver, elected officials, staff and citizens have been working hard and much has been accomplished since we gathered last Spring on April 11.
9:00 – 9:30 INC Business Meeting featuring presentation of candidates for board offices
(always open to the public, but not required if you’re not a delegate)
9:30 – 11:30 Climate Report plus plenty for time for Q&A and discussion.
Overview of the Office of Climate Action, Sustainability & Resiliency (CASR)
Learn about creation and expansion of the office and the Sustainability Advisory Council
Overview of the Climate Protection Fund
Learn about the new Climate Protection Fund, including funding opportunities and accomplishments in its first year
City-wide Climate Work
Learn how CASR is working with other agencies to advance climate work
Stay Involved
Learn how you can get the latest news from CASR and get involved in programs for residents and businesses
11:30 Adjourn
Spanish interpretation will be available.
Pre-registration required:
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