November 13, 2017
Officers: Hank Bootz, Drew Dutcher, Jane Lorimer, JJ Niemann, George Mayl, Steve Nissen, and Johan Barrios
Chairs: Maggie Price, Joel Noble, and Ean Tafoya
JJ, President – Called meeting to order at 7:00pm
Motion to approve October 2017 EC meeting minutes made by Jane, seconded by Drew. Passed unanimously. Steve made a friendly amendment to the meetings to change the tense of the discussion on the bylaw vote. Jo will update the minutes and send back out.
Motion to approve October treasurer’s report made by Jane, seconded by George.
Passed unanimously.
INC Dinner
- Jane provided update on the dinner. There is a four-person co-chair committee: Jane, George, JJ, and Samantha. Samantha will manage volunteers, take reservations, and make badges. JJ is working on invitations / announcements. George and JJ will work on program. Ean will assist with putting the program handout together. Jane is working on budget, nominations, and other loose ends.
- Double Tree venue is reserved for 31 January.
- There is a background pianist.
- Nomination notices went out. Maggie will have nominations routed to George.
- Suggestion to go from dinner to a lunch in the future was discussed. It would provide costs savings and will be discussed next year.
- Jane went over the details of the dinner budget. Please see Janes’s handout for details. Jane is proposing the $195 for the PowerPoint theme template be moved to the general budget and to provide a painting for the emcee as a courtesy gift.
- Jane motioned to move the $195 for the PowerPoint to the general budget. Steve seconded. Passed unanimously.
- Jane motioned to approve the budget without the $195 (also noted that the $250 for the donation to emcee’s choice is not included in the budget). George seconded. Passed unanimously.
- George asked that local RNOs provide volunteers day of the event. Next newsletter will contain reminder about awards and volunteers.
Donation for Roger Armstrong Bench
- There was a discussion about how we decide who receives donations. Roger served in the Capitol Hill area, but not the larger area. Conversely, it was stated that Roger set a great example for neighborhood leadership.
- It was noted that we have a large amount of cash available. During the budget discussion, we will discuss setting aside funds for donations and contract costs.
- Joel said he would match the donation, if INC put forth $125.
- Steve made a motion that we donate $250 for the bench for Roger. Drew seconded. Passed six to one.
- It was suggested that Roger be the recipient of an annual dinner award and be nominated by the entire Executive Committee.
Budget Discussion
- Jo went over the latest version of the budget. Overall, we have come in under budget on several items. There is a question on the membership costs, and Jane and Steve will review.
I70 Resolution Communication
- Resolution was only sent to City Council through press release.
- Not all resolutions are in the library. JJ will go back and check.
- I70 resolution needs to be added to the library and a letter needs to be sent.
- JJ will send one official letter on the I-70 resolution and another official letter on the two new resolutions from Saturday to the Governor, Mayor, City Council, State Transportation Committee, and Denver Democratic Party. He will CC the Executive Board. The letters will be sent by 16 November 2017.
By-laws Vote
- Everyone is ok with the vote from Saturday, but it was challenging to have a recount.
- Steve proposes that when voting on bylaw changes, a ballot vote is required.
- There are trainings available from the Colorado Association of Parliamentarians. They have parliamentarian’s procedure courses on Robert’s Rules for a fee. Ean will research the class.
INC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING November 13, 2017 — No Comments
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