INC Executive Committee Meeting May 7, 2018
Present: George Mayl, Loretta Koehler, Hank Boots, Bridget Walsh, Maggie Price, Cindy Johnston, Joel Nobel, Steve Nissen, Jane Potts, Drew Duetcher, Ean Tafoya,
Margie Valdez, Tom Mobley, Jane Lorimer.
The meeting was called to order at 6:34pm by President George Mayl.
By general consensus the Ex Committee meetings will be held on the 1st Monday.
ACTION –It was moved by Bridget and seconded by Jane to approve the minutes of the April meeting with minor corrections to the Transportation Committee report from Joel. Motion Carried
Treasurer’s report. Checking balance $3,656.76, all accounts balance $40,376.89.
ACTION It was moved by Bridget and seconded by Hank to approve. Motion Carried.
A discussion to transfer funds for increased interest income was tabled until August.
New Business
Revision of Bylaws. Over the past few months the Bylaws Review Committee (Margie, Jane, Tom, Loretta and George) appointed by the Ex Committee met to revise and update the INC Bylaws. After approval by the Executive Committee the revised Bylaws will be will be presented at a Delegates Meeting for approval.
Margie noted some of the changes to include:
– Separating and organizing the articles.
– Stating the IRS authority 501c3 for disallowing nonprofits to support political candidate campaigns included in the revision.
– Incorporating the City of Denver’s ordinance in a responsible manner.
– Defining membership to either RNO or Associate memberships as various funding levels should not be stated in the Bylaws.
– Giving certain authority to the delegation while identifying the Board as the responsible party not individual delegates as they are not insured or have fiduciary responsibly.
– Cleaned up language; removed the word “regular” (otherwise no leeway).
– Capitalized the word Bylaws throughout document.
– All sponsored meetings must invite proponents and opponents if a citywide issue. (Must invite them if they choose not to show, INC has met its responsibility.)
– Board may use telecommunication to take action or can take certain action without a meeting.
– Assigned responsibilities for Delegates at Large
-Resolved issues to remove an officer, process identified.
– Delegate at Large is person with highest number of votes
– Board may establish more committees.
– A Conflict of Interest is only if there is a financial interest. It requires disclosure but does not necessarily require action. If a conflict, that person may not vote.
Cindy asked for more clarity on Article X Section F. Margie will add “shall make a diligent effort to invite and include both sides”.
Steve had several suggested changes and modifications to the Bylaws draft.
Margie replied the committee spent hours to complete this draft, which may have minor grammatical errors but she was not open to making major changes.
Cindy said the Exec Committee appointed this bylaw committee for this revision job and the Exec Committee should accept it as presented.
ACTION It was moved by Bridget and seconded by Maggie to move this Bylaw revision forward by asking the Ex Committee to approve and take it to the delegates.
Vote: For 4; Nay 1; Abstain 3.
Steve questioned the vote since it was not a majority win.
(After reviewing Robert’s Rules of Order and a confirmation by Joel that City committees state that a majority of the vote on each item, determines the vote.)
Motion Carried.
Steve is to send his proposed changes to George who will distribute them to the Ex Committee and the Bylaws committee for further discussion. Once accepted by the Ex Committee the revised document must be sent to delegates no later than 10 days prior to the Delegate meeting when the vote is it be taken.
Committee Reports
Transportation – Joel
The Transportation Committee meets this coming Thursday from 6 to 8pm. Agenda includes 4 topics
1 Update from State Transportation Funding
2 City construction pedestrian detour policy
3 RTD senior manager of service development review of numerous bus stops
4 Mobility Choice Blueprint – DRCOG, RTD and HDR the project manager for this study, vision to accommodate new technology – what we want/don’t want – perhaps how we want things to go will bring out best options.
ZAP – Ean (would like to film more meetings)
Last month meeting had good attendance. Invited DrCOG to talk about Metro Vision. Explained how Blueprint Denver fits into larger regional plan. ZAP made it clear that the region has not talked about health, climate, water, etc. as ZAP would like to see these issues come to the larger group. In June they may host a larger discussion on Larimer St. Historic District. “Is historic designation under attack?” Also need a dialogue on Smart Cities. Will review ZAP platform around the end of the year.
Parks Rec – Maggie & Cindy
At recent meeting Fred Wiest and Laura Morales presented rules for alcohol permit change. The impact of the proposed Alcohol Policy is not About the BEER but expanding where and when alcohol can be sold and served. Any festival or gathering can apply for liquor license can sell and serve all alcohol.
Neighborhoods that have made agreements with Parks for a limited number of events in local parks per year. This will now allow alcohol to be available many times a year. Current festivals area not allowed alcohol, this change will. Private parties will be allowed to serve alcohol
Maggie developed a podcast about this and other issues (Olympics, Park Hill Golf Course) that are on the INC YouTube channels on.
Another resolution on Park Hill Golf Course will be introduced must change as no longer will have GoBonds. Resolution:
If Clayton’s golf course operator does not exercise its extension option by June 30, 2018, INC PARC calls upon the public officials of the City and County of Denver to take all actions necessary to preserve the perpetual Park Hill Gold Course (PHGC) land open space conservation easement protections that the City acquired in 1997 from Clayton for $2 million, including but not limited to the following:
- To enforce the terms of 2000 agency agreement regarding the perpetual open space conservation easement protections for the PHGC land.
- If necessary, to acquire fee title to the PHGC land from Clayton by paying Clayton the current fair market value of the land and to operate the a land as a designated public golf course or a designated public park.”
Two major RNO’s CPFANS and Greater Park Hill approved resolution already. George suggested this resolution be sent to media.
Clayton has been hosting roundtables to learn what the community wants for the park. Cindy did hear many say they wanted the open space, not development. Saying it is a food desert is a misnomer.
There is another proposed land swap in Park Hill – like used for Hensel Park. A developer contracted with CRL to push this through. INC needs to have a better presence at new large development neighborhood meetings to combat development lobbyists. The City hiring PR firms is a serious problem. “What Do Lobbyists Do?” might be topic for an INC delegates meeting.
Bridget has asked city finance person how to find out how much the City pays to CRL but received no response. –
No feedback from NoOlympics – to INC. Protecting INC and the optics.
Old Business
Concern was raised that INC has not received updates on the NoOlympics yet they are going ahead with a possible ballot for the fall. INC needs to be aware of their action so we can protect the optics for our organization.
INC Grant Program. This was proposed in 2017 with no action. Hank developed a template for grant submission. Bridget and Loretta will work with Hank to make a proposal to the Ex Committee next month that has more details developed.
There should be a monthly presentation from Denver Decides, Membership, Treasurer.
Proposed 2018 Delegate Meetings Calendar
June 9 at Brookdale; program Parks and Rec Revised Alcohol Proposal
July 14 – TBD; program Water and Draught
August 11 – at Montbello Rec Center; program I-70 Reroute traffic etc. inviting residents who will be greatly impacted people
Sept 8 TBD; program Denver Architectural Foundation – DOD Historic Denver – Lobbying suggested Leo Boyle – on Lobbying, Maria Garcia Berry
Oct 13 at Denver Police Department 3; program Channel 8 Denver Decides partnership forum
Nov 10 TBD; program Denver Can
Meeting Adjourned 8:27pm
I am a member of the Old North End Neighborhood Board in Colorado Springs, and I am seeking information to pass on to the president of a new organization (Historic Neighborhoods Partnership–HNP) that is being formed to advocate for older historic neighborhoods in the city, a role CONO no longer fulfills. I do, when possible, attend meetings held by this new organization .
Two requests: 1) Could you send me the name of a contact person who would be knowledgeable and willing to tell HNP about the early formation of Denver, Inc. and 2) would it be possible for the president of HNP to attend, via Zoom, one of your executive meetings so as to better understand the process?
As I said, I will pass the information on to the new president for her follow-up. Thank you.