MARCH 13, 2017
Board: JJ Neimann, George Mayl, Bob Inman, Steve Nissen, Jane Lorimer, Hank Bootz
Committee Chairs: Joel Noble, Margie Valdez
Guest: Carol MacBride, VP Bonnie Brae RNO
Quorum present at meeting call-to-order by the President (JJ Niemann) – 7:00pm
Annual INC Delegate Meeting
INC Annual Meeting March 11, 2017 – Bob Inman (Secretary) was given the sign-in sheets and pink voting cards from the annual INC meeting to retain for one year. It was agreed that scanned copies will fulfill the retention period requirement.
With new officers and delegates elected at the annual meeting, JJ asked the meeting attendees to introduce themselves and the RNO they represent, their board position and the car radio station playing while getting to the meeting.
Also requested was what each RNO is doing or has done recently of note. JJ Neimann reported Harvey Park is issuing scholarships to his neighborhood high school students. JJ asked that each attendee submit an article/content for the INC monthly newsletter on accomplishments or projects of note in our respective RNOs.
February Minutes Approval
The February 13, 2017 EC minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report – Steve Nissen
There is currently $28,600 in the savings account and $9000 in the checking account;
There is one floating outstanding check to Farmers Engraving; Steve will reissue, assuming it is lost;
Some membership dues are still trickling in through credit card payment online on the INC web site;
A question was asked about the primary source of INC income, which Steve answered were membership dues. The dinner has been a notable fundraiser in past. This year it netted about $750.
It was noted that the Gold/Silver/Bronze-level membership represented $2500 of the $7500 membership dues last year, so tiered levels are a meaningful and successful effort.
2017 INC Budget
There are a handful of items that need to be repositioned/recategorized, most of which are small amounts;
The most material category change is under ‘Staff.’ After discussion, it was concluded that any outside services should/will be deemed 1099/independent contractor expenditures;
Under ‘Unknowns’ in the ‘Other’ category, ‘Equipment’ should be eliminated; the ‘Staff Packet’ should be renamed ‘BOD/EC Packet;’
The overall changes were category and naming related, thereby not changing the net numbers or budget. The budget will be revised and reissued;
Lastly, the definition of ‘annual audit’ was clarified to be a voluntary internal audit with assistance from an outside CPA/accountant, rather than a traditional or IRS regulatory audit. This should probably be noted when referred to in the future.
INC Grants
The questions of grants to INC was brought up. Is there the desire and the ability to write/requests? JJ claims INC has both, but there are no current efforts in place because there are no specified needs outlined.
Office/Delegate/Chairperson Meeting Attendance
The question of the missed attendance at regularly scheduled monthly meetings was raised – how many unexcused meetings in succession triggers discipline or removal from the INC regular/EC roster? Bylaws stipulate “An officer, who accumulates three (3) unexcused absences from meetings during a term in office, may be removed from office by the delegation.”
Bylaws, Standing Rules and Working Plan
For clarification, JJ stated that the difference between the ‘bylaws’ and ‘standing rules’ is:
The bylaws are the stated, ongoing policies and procedures for the conduct of the organization;
Standing rules are subject to regular annual adjustments;
In common, both bylaws and standing rules are a constant work-in-progress, meaning that they are both dynamic and amendable.
Old Business
INC Donations to Cop Shops – In the last meeting, it was decided to donate $200 each to eight different Denver Cop Shops. An objective for this act was a desire to initiate a public safety committee, but there are not currently INC members identified to spearhead the effort. Steve Nissen volunteered to work with JJ to distribute checks and visit the eight shops. It is generally believed that a good PR opportunity exists, with photo ‘ops’ and all.
Investment of Excess INC Cash – What to do with, and with how much, excess cash not earmarked for immediate (18 months) projects and expenses. It was decided that $12,000 will be put into an 18-month CD to earn at least a modicum of interest.
Communications – Can we find someone to work with Maggie on the INC web site? Specifically: content, appearance, newsletter editing/positioning and webmaster tech administrator. It was suggested to be a INC/RNO member, but could be an intern from a local college or university (i.e. CO School of Art & Design). JJ also asked about INC putting out an interactive survey to receive feedback to improve the INC web site experience. This will be an ‘action item’ for next month’s meeting; Jane will look into venues.
Membership – Today membership stands at 78 RNOs (from a universe of about 190); there are 28 Associate members. JJ noted that the Denver Mayor’s office has opened opportunities for quarterly meetings with INC leaders, but was this not done last year.
Administrative Help – This topic was touched upon in the budget discussion, but will be an agenda item for April’s EC meeting.
Accelerated Climate Action – Presented at the last meeting, this is an endeavor to engage people around the city to improve our sustainability and reduce our ‘carbon footprint.’ Joel suggested the concept of a book club (proven successful with the transportation committee) to engage new people involved in this concept/initiative. It’s unsure what book is chosen; a presentation may beprepared and given at the April delegate meeting.
Committee Reports
ZAP, PARC, Transportation – There were no updates from committee chairs from the immediately preceding INC annual meeting.
The Education and Public Safety committees have no chairs, but continue to stand in the bylaws, so it was decided that the committees stand dormant for the time being. The objective is engagement at the RNO level, particularly school PTAs regarding education. Both committees’ status/go forward plan will be revisited next month. A new Associate member: Our Denver Our Schools was a suggested liaison to DPS.
The Charitable Works Committee is also dormant and Board approved moving the remaining bank subaccount to general funds.
New Business
- Membership – There will be a need for additional admin help with membership management and Jane will find contract person. Jane agreed to produce a directory as we did in 2016 and have ready for review at April EC or before.
2017 INC Survey – Surveys are an action item for 2017; the 2016 Residents’ Issues survey was quite successful. Should there be both an INC member (RNO) only survey and a general public survey? There will be the need for a ‘to-be-named’ point person for surveys. This is an action item for the April meeting. Jane led the survey, with a team including Tom Mobley, George Mayl and JJ, presenting summary results to each City Council member. The team recommended repeating it. The summary is on the INC website under the ‘Library’ tab.
VIP Event – JJ wants to engage the RNOs, both INC members or not. Ian Harwick and Jane Lorimer, co-chairs for membership, also recommend an event aimed at RNO leaders; the specific subject matter and format is up for discussion and selection. It should be in the planning stages now, as it would likely be staged in August/September 2017. An hoc committee should be created to investigate the time and place, as well as the format options. Jane took the lead on this.
Adjournment at 8:30pm
Submitted by Robert Inman, INC Secretary
Action Items
- Review of Working Plan
Administrative help defined
Report on “VIP” event meeting outcome
Membership directory update
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