INC Executive Committee Meeting June 11 2018
Present: George Mayl, Loretta Koehler, Hank Boots, Bridget Walsh, Maggie Price, Cindy Johnston, Joel Nobel, Steve Nissen, Jane Potts, Ean Tafoya, Greg Sorenson, Margie Valdez, Tom Mobley, Jane Lorimer.
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by President George Mayl.
No Quorum
As representatives of many RNO’s and thousands of Denver residents Greg drafted a of resolution for INC in support of the continuation of the Denver Post and its employees in opposing to the current hedge funds owners that are severely cutting back staff and the paper in general.
The resolution lists several whereas statements focusing on the critical need for a city the size of Denver to have daily reporting of news about local government, politics, economy, business, sports, health, and entertainment, as well as in-depth stories about important current trends and uncensored commentary.
The Resolutions include: that Alden reinvest in the long-term future of the paper and double the number of journalist immediately and if not INC will support a boycott of the paper by its subscribers and its advertisers.
(Action) It was moved by Steve and seconded by Maggie to present this resolution at the July delegate meeting. Motion carried.
Quorum Present 6:42pm
Treasurer report –
(Action) It was moved by Hank and seconded by Maggie to approve the May Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried.
Revised Bylaws
The appointed committee of George, Margie, Loretta, Jane L, and Tom presented a second revision of the Bylaws to board members and committee chairs present with a goal of making a simpler, more straight forward document.
(Action) It was moved by Bridget and seconded by Maggie to approve the revised Bylaws as presented.
1) Steve said he forwarded bylaws draft to Mike Henry for clarity and historic perspective which some members thought was inappropriate as that invited Mike to make comments that were shared with all. He also drafted several changes resulting in the following questions:
2) Clarity on using RNO instead of MO. Not all RNO’s are members and not all members are RNO’s. When appropriate state the organization as “Member RNO”.
3) Dues of new member organizations, was not consistent. Dues for newly formed organizations shall be at the discretion of the Board.
4) Why delete Article VIII E
Must have a clear date for dues to be paid to determine whether or not an RNO is a current member in good standing.
5) IX
It is ok to state representative/delegate as some RNO bylaws use the term “representative” for their members who attend INC meetings as delegates so this statement includes what terminology is used in some RNO Bylaws.
6) XI
The Board of Directors carries the fiduciary responsibility and the adherence to the nonprofit regulations, the delegates and chairs do not. Board members cannot accept compensation for their work.
7) Article XII
a- No need to add ensure action to be recorded at the following delegate meeting because minutes are recorded and posted of all meetings.
b- Insure recordings of all delegate, special, board and executive meetings. Add “Special”
Maggie called for the question.
(ACTION) Motion on the floor to approve revised bylaws with the addition of the word “Special” to Article XII.
Six yea.
One nay
Motion carried.
Tom acknowledge Margie’s work on the Bylaws, and all members gave her Kudos.
Margie thanked the committee members for their participation as they came to meetings prepared and accomplished an overwhelming task.
Transportation – Joel
Next meeting is July 12
-The Transportation Committee will seek INC support for the pedestrian access proposal at the July delegates meeting.
-Discussion – a proposed 59-story building at Elitches with no parking. Parking decisions are sometimes that of transportation and sometimes zoning. There is a parking ratio that is in the Zoning Code so it might come at ZAP. The ratio goes down as move away from downtown as urban transit more available. No parking minimum does not equal no parking needed.
– Concern for lack of parking and age discrimination in parking options and in general of those who own cars all concerns are actively discussed at committee.
– Denverite – Denver moves transit plan draft in a month will come out next month describing new high frequency transit lines throughout the city.
– 1/3 of population cannot drive.
– Electric scooters on next month’s agenda.
ZAP – Ean
– Reviewing ZAP platform. Will probably be ready after blueprint Denver and will present to Delegates probably in December.
This month’ agenda
1) Larimer and Assoc and Larimer Square and Historic Denver –
2) City Zoning amendment to signs – 15 minutes –
3) Housing plan. The Housing Summit was filmed and will be sent to board and chairs. The head of Treasury will be responsible for use of 2% marijuana tax, DHA bond 50% (several projects ready) and 50% to land banking. HUD Deputy Director forecasting market rates.
4) All neighborhoods design reviews requested. ZAP will host two panels as a teaching tool for doing design reviews. One will be at RINO Industrial Building on July 28. Rent is $900 (trying to negotiate lower cost). This will be an opportunity for all INC members.
The event will highlight:
- What is Design Review?
- Specific Design Review
– Lots of give and take Q/A
– Public Comment for 3 months following
– Film put on INC website.
– Ean requested an additional $1500 for ZAP to host these meetings and for a one-year associate membership of Denver Open Media. Because ZAP is filming these meetings and workshops membership in DOM would provide filming and editing equipment essential to the project. It is also possible that DOM could air INC pieces.
ZAP has a balance of $500 but needs that to complete the year.
– Discussion caused the group to request the Denver Open Media membership be for INC not just ZAP so the equipment is available for all committee and other meetings, and the membership fee will be paid from the INC budget.
– Ean is to send information in detail to board members of these costs.
(Action) It was moved by Jane and seconded by Loretta to give $1000 to the ZAP budget and $500 for 1-year associate membership in The Denver Open Media by INC. Motion Carried.
Parks & Rec– Maggie –
Very interesting Highline Canal Conservatory presentation at last meeting.
– Fairfax park issue. They wrote a letter to City for transparency on the issue and met with Councilman Herndon a few days ago. Apparently silos within the city were not sharing info so there is still confusion on status of this park space.
– Lead pipe leaching and chemicals in water around Chatfield to river that also kills algae got the attention from Jeff Shoemaker of Greenway. Solution is additive to water supply.
– Jolon Clark will present 0.025mill levy in from Finance committee. Funds would be for P&R to purchase land and maintain parks. If same staff still on P/R if approved it will not be money well spent as they seldom really purchase land. The agreement needs to say all money goes to new land as they already have bond funds to cover other expenses and park maintenance.
New Business
– Tom Carton with Montebello suggested the next INC meeting focus on DIA land development. The August meeting will be at the Montbello Rec Center. Board members will reach out to RNO’s in Montbello and Green Valley Ranch to encourage their involvement and perhaps present Montbello 2020 Update.
– Saturdays meeting. Brookdale offered to host more INC meetings. The suggestion was to host the delegate meeting quarterly at Brookdale(they provide coffee, etc). They also want to partner with us for community development which could be a win/win with SWIC food bank development. (Dianna Helper was responsible for association with the strong affiliation with Brookdale.) Alternating RNO’swould help host.
– Ean spoke his concern for a lack of transparency in the search for a new Police Chief who will receive a quarter-million dollar salary. Since INC no long has a Safety Committee there is no forum to address this concern in place. Perhaps it is time to see if Merce would be willing to chair that committee again if committee members could be found.
– Hank said a friend reviewed the INC proposed grant program and said it was way to complicated to receive $100. He will reword letter.
Meeting Adjourned 8:38pm
INC Executive Committee Meeting June 11 2018 — No Comments
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