INC Executive Committee Meeting Dec 14 2020
December 14, 2020 (Via Zoom)
In Attendance:
• Boardmembers:
◦ Loretta Koehler (President)
◦ Trupti Santhar (VP)
◦ Greg Sorenson (Treasurer)
◦ Jane Potts (Also Sustainability Co-Chair)
◦ Maggie Price (Also PARC Chair)
◦ Emmett Hobley
• Committee Chairs:
◦ Ean Tafoya & Christine O’Connor (ZAP)
◦ Joel Noble (Transportation)
◦ Parry Burnap (Sustainability)
• Guests:
◦ Carol Hunter
• Meeting called to order at 6:35pm
• Financial Report – Greg Sorensen
◦ Distributed by e-mail prior to the meeting
◦ Discussion on proposed budget for 2021
Motion to adopt new Associate Membership Levels – Motion by Greg, second by
Jane. Vote: 5 in favor, 0 opposed, motion passes.
Platinum – $1000 (or donations to the community fund over $10,000)
Gold – $500 (or donations to the community fund from $5,000-$9,999)
Silver – $250 (or donations to the community fund form $1,000-$4,999)
Bronze – $100 (or donations to the community fund from $500-$999)
Patron – $75 (or donations to the community fund up to $499)
Operating budget
Discussion and adjustments
Motion to approve operating budget. Motion by Greg, second by Jane. 6
in favor, 0 opposed. Motion passes.
INC Community Fund (Donations & distributions for charitable works, community
building, INC grants and youth group awards, separately maintained)
Estimated $8,000 in annual fundraising and distributions
Motion to establish a community fund with a money market fund to hold it.
Motion by Greg, seconded by Trupti. Vote: 6 in favor, 0 opposed. Motion
• Virtual Awards Dinner – Jane Potts
◦ Update on awards process and suggestions for process for this year
◦ Nominations will be due January 29th
◦ Ceremony will be following the March 2021 INC Delegates meeting
• Upcoming meeting topics
◦ Jane and Ean pursuing a structures in the right of way topic for January — business
temporary outdoor seating structures & tents for those without homes
• Adjourned at 8:18pm
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