INC Delegate Meeting Minutes May 9th, 2015
Denver INC’s May Delegate Meeting was called to order by President, Larry Ambrose at 9 a.m. at the Southwest Improvement Council (SWIC)
Jane Lorimer moved that the Minutes of the April 11, 2015 meeting were approved by acclimation.
Jan Marie Belle welcomed the group to the Southwest Improvement Council (SWIC) Here is a link to our website article about her talk
Formed in 1986 – 1987
501c3 in 1988
SWIC became a community center in 1993
2005 – 2007: Community Center was renovated
In 2012 SWIC was not allowed to buy the community center. Instead they are a month-to-month renter who could be removed at any time.
SWIC helps home owners stay in their homes as we see our property taxes continue to increase. Wages are not keeping up with the increases to the cost of living.
As affordable house decreases, the need for affordable house increases.
SWIC offers free negotiation services to help prevent foreclosures.
Having another youth or adult sports program paying to use the facility would be a huge help to SWIC.
SWIC would like to buy its building from the City.
Under-grounding of Power Lines Discussion
This is a problem throughout the city
Thanks to INC there is now a citizen’s advisory committee to Public Works regarding how and where this undergrounding fund should be allocated.
1% is dedicated to under-grounding.
The city gets 3% of all Xcel Denver revenue. This goes to the general fund
INC will do a month long Food Drive.
Motion By Larry: to Donate $100 to the SWIC food bank
Action Item: Larry asked Jan to put together a letter that INC can put out to the community
Treasurer report
University Council gave us $50 to cover food for the April delegate meeting
See Treasurer’s report for details of each of our accounts
Charitable Giving Discussion (Jane Lorimer)
An organizational brainstorming meeting was held and some proposed Charitable giving activities has been discovered.
INC can become a clearinghouse for connecting INC member organizations to good charitable organizations
INC can invite charitable organizations to participate in INC meetings (sell items)
INC can collect donations and money on behalf of a selected charitable organization
Joanne Kuemmilerin has volunteered to be a chair of our Charitable Giving committee
She asks for someone to be a co-chair with her
Call the committee “Community Engagement” instead of Charitable Giving
A co-chair can be appointed by the president
Motion By: David Felice; 2nd by Anthony Thomas to create a charitable committee in lieu of the Dollar Dictionary as a Standing Committee
Voice Vote was Unanimous
Committee Reports
Public Safety – Merce Lee
Have started a traveling monthly community meeting on public safety with Denver Police partnership.
A new RNO member was found through these committee meetings.
Transportation – Joel Nobel
Next Meeting has 3 speakers
Bicycle Parking – Pearl St. example of how to create bicycle parking
Opportunities exist to install more bicycle parking in the city
There already exists a method to set up a temporary bicycle parking station.
Auto Parking – Parking next to mixed use transportation has become a concern.
This is a 1 year look back at how this program has been going.
Deep dive into Highlands & Baker plans
Mary Beth Susman – Council Budget Priorities for Transportation in 2016
Budget planning begins with the city council
In the process of creating a platform for the Transportation committee
Plan on having a platform to presented to the delegation during this summer.
1 big focus will be on traffic safety.
Advocate for the prevention of pedestrian vs automobile deaths.
ZAP – Margie
Short Term Rentals
responding to the latest proposal from Mary Beth Susman
Have short term rentals in every Denver neighborhood
The taxation issue has not been resolved yet
David Broadwell has been assigned to resolve the issue.
Will come back to the delegates with suggestions after we see where this topic is going, from the city perspective.
The passed motion was sent to city council
Concerns in the Elyria Swansea/Globeville neighborhood are being looked at by the committee
The greatest concern it to make sure the The Western Stock Show redevelopment will have a positive impact on this neighborhood and near-by neighborhoods
The ZAP “civic training” is almost complete
Training planned for October.
Everyone in INC is invited
A 2nd training is being created for Excise & License and marijuana regulation.
A very focused training
Probably in early 2016
Revise the Denver Neighborhood Handbook for online publication
Next meeting – 2 presenters
Overview of community planning and development
How to respond to variance requests.
Will host a food drive
Water Plan follow up from the last meeting
It was very educational
PARC – Katie Fischer/ Maggie Price
Next Meeting – May 19th
PRAB – Meeting May 14th
Public Comments are being solicited
The rules for small businesses in parks will be discussed
Chessman Park and others are not pleased
There are 14 permitted parks in the city
Using recycled waters in the park
2 studies have been done
We have data that seems to confirm the issue of dying trees is related
We have asked the City to do a study to identify the problem
The “gasification” plant at the Denver Zoo
There is concern that this is not going to do what is intended and may be a threat to health and safety for City Park and surrounding neighborhoods.
This will be coming up. The city council already approved the plan
Communication – David
Communication is the custodian of the website and the newsletter
Newsletter change – Changing the format to incorporate a synergy with the website
The newsletter will feed off of the website
The print newsletter is coming to an end
Goal is to increase traffic to the INC website
Please share information from the website ( to your RNOs
Please link inside your RNO website
How do we show the functionality to the delegation?
The committee is working on finishing the changes, then they can provide some kind of training at a future meeting

INC Delegate Meeting Minutes May 9th, 2015 — No Comments
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