AUGUST 12, 2017
Call to order by JJ Nieman, President.
Delegate quorum (27) established at 9:10am.
July minutes were approved – 22 in favor, 0 oppose, and 5 abstentions
ZAP Committee – Margie Valdez
Margie Valdez proposed a motion related to the city’s P-3 office. The motion stated:
“Inter-Neighborhood Cooperation (INC) strongly urges the proposal to create an office for public-private partnerships within Denver City Government that will screen, vet and shepherd P-3 or public-private partnerships related to major city projects be delayed until such time as the specifics of the proposal have been released or shared and adequate time is included for the proposal to be vetted with both City Council members and the public-at-large. Further, INC requests City Council to refuse to support the proposal known as P-3 until more informed community discussion and transparency can occur.”
The motion was seconded by George Mayl.
Margie went through concerns:
- Proprietary information and Deliberative concerns
- Not subject to CORA
- Negotiations would be done by city employees versus city council
- Only one other city has this (DC)
The office is being considered for the Western Complex and the Performing Arts Center. The discussion ensued about reservations of city council, whether a floor motion is valid (it is). Motion is not for supporting P3 or not, but to delay until more information is available. There was discussion about the lack of transparency and amount of money involved.
Al called to question. The vote was 33 in favor, 1 oppose, and 1 abstention.
Transportation Committee – Joel Noble
Joel Noble provided a report of the latest meeting on 13 July 2017. Discussion included Denver Moves, which is a plan on how to move people around within downtown. There was also discussion on the GO Bond. There are approximately $400M is transportation related projects. Sidewalks were discussed as a specific example, and Joel confirmed there are pots of money for bike lane and sidewalks. Last, Joel discussed the split of Denver Public Works and the moving of the Denver Department of Transportation. This was praised as a good decision since it will give the office more visibility with the Mayor. Finalization of the split will take about two years.
Parks Committee – Maggie Price
Maggie Price discussed the Overland Park music festival. The Parks Committee was not in favor of paid events at park. The PARC platform adopted by the delegation is opposed to submission based events in public parks. The City Park Golf Course issue will go to court – the argument being the use of the course in a manner that is proposed is prohibited by charter. It was confirmed that there are termination provisions in the city contract.
Business Updates
JJ stated that there will be a GO bond discussion at next meeting, including a discussion of a text amendment.
There was a brief discussion on the details for next month’s delegate meeting / forum.
JJ provided a reminder that the INC survey is coming out and encouraged everyone to participate.
JJ reminded everyone that Denver Decides is coming up. Please check INC website for times and events. There was some discussion that Denver Channel 8 is only available on Comcast and that many people may not have access. The discussion was tabled for a future meeting.
There was a discussion on the Public Safety Enforcement Priorities Act. JJ was curious as to how many delegates were in favor. There was an informal show of hands (no official motion). A majority of delegates raised their hands, but there is no official INC stance or vote on this issue.
SPECIAL PROGRAM – led by Johan Barrios
The delegates were split up into small groups for roundtable discussions. The discussions included what issues neighborhoods are facing, what INC can do to help, and what delegates’ expectations are of INC. Each small group discussion was led by a member of the INC Executive Committee (EC). After the discussions, the EC member briefed out the high level topics that were discussed:
Loretta Koehler’s Group:
- Concerned with quality schools in the neighborhood, transportation, development (major issues) and housing affordability
- Residents are feeling alienated, not listened to, and powerless
- Need to get the liquor and pot shops to work better with the neighborhoods
- INC can help by:
- Providing training on ordinances and how RNO’s are impacted
- How to go be a good citizen pamphlet
- EC reps going to RNOs to meet and talk
Hank Bootz’ Group:
- Parks committee helped Hank’s RNO get off the ground
- INC veterans could go out to RNOs to help them get started
- Getting young people involved is a challenge. Possible ways is to reach out to other organizations and meet at night
- Main issues are high density housing and marijuana vendors being mixed in with neighborhoods
- Some RNOs have good communications, but some need help with social media. Flyers also seem to work well.
Joel Noble’s Group:
- High turnover and getting people to attend are issues for RNOs
- Other issues include how to get younger people involved, how to get to know people who live in multi-unit buildings, and raising money
- Training for being an RNO would be very valuable (how does it work, what standing do you have with city, difference between other organizations, etc.) as well as training on specific topics
- Something that would be helpful is “Just in Time” training – it would be about issues that RNOs need to know now. Training would include point people who know about the issue.
- An INC Speaker’s Bureau would also be helpful.
Maggie Price’s Group
- Main concerns are homelessness and liquor and marijuana licenses
- There is a need for more INC publicity and how INC can work with neighborhoods
- To attract new and young members, we have to reach out to renters and provide them means to come to us. It would also be helpful to provide information so they know their renters’ rights.
- Another suggestion is to get high schools involved with RNOs.
- Reminder that any INC RNO can use survey monkey for free.
- Compile best practices and common issues on INC website
- Suggest doing Front Porch Fridays where RNOs walk door to door and engage neighbors
- Can we provided a link on Next Door to INC?
- Suggest having INC provide website support to other RNOs in order to reach out to younger demographics
More detailed notes from the groups will be compiled and used to set INC’s agenda for future delegate meetings. More to come on this discussion at future meetings.
Mary Beth from Highlands – Home Plate event at North High School on 31 August from 5 – 7pm, includes a barbecue for parents and faculty.
Loretta from Baker – Meetings on August 16th at 7pm at the Cop Shop in Alameda Marketplace for a development on Broadway. Discussion is about a zoning change from three stories to five stories.
There is a CHUN wine tasting on September 13th at 13th and Williams. Please go to CHUN website for more details.
Maggie from Congress Park – Discussion on DPS performance on August 16 at 7pm at REACH school.
Meeting adjourned at 1131
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