INC Delegate Meeting May 13 2023
On May 13 Inc held May hybrid meeting at Regis University. Approximately 45 people attended both in person and online.
Go to YouTube here
Table of contents (chapters)
00:00:00 Introductions Keith Meyer
00:09:04 Committee Reports
00:17:52 Presentation Of INC Greener Denver Platform Endorsement 00:33:44 Motion
00:34:39 Voting Process and Discussion Strategies and Successes: Increasing Diversity & Membership in Neighborhood Organizations Membership & Engagement Strategies
00:48:54 David Sabados North Star Tribune
01:19:23 Jim Wolf Denver Elks Chapter 17
01:39:32 Discussion
01:49:28 Jane Potts Celebration Of Neighborhoods
01:52:03 Final Announcements and Closing
INC Delegate Meeting May 13 2023 — No Comments
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