Meeting called to order at: 9:04am by George Mayl, President
Approval of March Delegate Minutes
Moved by Bridget Walsh, seconded by Katie Fisher to approve March 2018 Delegate minutes . Minutes approved as presented by acclamation
Topic: “If You Are Not Happy”
Monologue by President George M . on upcoming City Council elections
RNO’s should engage active voters as INC’s strength could make the difference.
Topic: Transportation Committee: Joel Noble, Co-Chair
• Need to save flagstone when replacing sidewalks
• Will use INC’s Sidewalk Position Statement to keep flagstone when City flags problem areas
• Will poll city to locate flagstone areas as City does not have that data
• If City bid’s out concrete replacement sidewalks it need s to offer options for local/small/independent contractors not just give it to one mega company
• City needs to use the Triple Bottom Line approach to bids (SUGGESTED – th is as a FORUM presentation)
• Transportation/pollution issues during 1-70 construction will impact all Denver
• Walk Scope is being phased out of City and Walk Denver does not have funds to upgrade their system
Topic: Zoning and Planning Committee: Ean Tafoya, Co-Chair
• Working with Dr COG on Metro Vision 2040 for comprehensive planning
• Working with Center for Sustainable Communities as Design Review comes up in May
• City developing Six Group Living scenarios but homeless is not one of the groups
• Auraria Campus and Downtown planning a new neighborhood, Mile Hi Stadium may do the same
Topic: Parks and Recreation Committee : Maggie Price, Co-Chair
• The City is proposing an alcohol policy to allow the sale and consumption of beer, wine and liquor in all parks which has been promoted by event promoters
• Asking everyone to respond to the online Alcohol Policy Survey by 4/20 and to
• Attend a hearing April 17 at Wash Park Community Center
• Police are concerned about this possible change
• it needs State approval first because bartender licenses are state regulated
Topic: Around the City
Belleview Hale – Rose Medical Center proposing new plan
Hutchinson Hills – Proposed pedestrian crosswalks for Southmoor Light Rail
Baker – Citizen s initiative for Historic Designation on iconic coal silos on Santa Fe Drive needs $700 Old K-mart site considered for group living area
Swansea – concern about dust during demolition around 1-70 for all residents not just two block corridor
Park Hill – an update on City Park Golf Course this Thursday at East High
Rosedale Harvard Gulch – concerned about proposed alcohol policy for Harvard Gulch Park
Curtis Park – First Denver park – will celebrate l SOtn Anniversary on August 11
Washington Park – Speed of Downing traffic prompts need for speed bumps. Road marking have improved flow bet weenvehicle and pedestr ians on the loop-road
West Washington Park – enforcement of 3.2 in the park really reduced problems
Green Valley Ranch – letter to City re: deed restrictions cannot sell at market value. Gillmore very helpful
LaAlma – Aubrey Lavizzo resident is on Chief White’s Advisory Board. He is here to enhance communication s between neighborhoods and the police. He wants to hear concerns and will personally deliver to the Chief
Cole – Super concerned about construction dust even now and city not responding to their issues
Alamo Placita – Concerned about possible change in Park’s alcohol policy
Curtis Park – Rossonian Hotel to be renovated with original jazz ni ght club. Proposed pedestrian bridge between Curt is Park and Globeville.
Baker – Groundwater Control for DIV stormwat er collectio n and reuse
Sloans Lake – ZoColo building 170 luxury unit s using 25 yr TIF to build 170 affordable units with not open space. Will set a precedent .
CHUN – Continues a tangent relationship with People’s Fair. Trying to maintain and improve mansion investment. On Phase Ill of Neighborhood Plan; keeping eye on Colfax bus/transit plans
University Neighbors– The University rules neighborhood plans. New 18 unit going up with 4 parking spaces.
Inspiration Point – includes 70&76 junction so have noise and pollution of both but see a value of 1-70 for their transportation needs. Came together to protest concrete plant crushing/ help from Councilwoman Ortega. Cannot get sidewalks at Willi s Case Golf Course as it is a dedicated park – but will say a park because of that.
Swallow Hill – The Group Living that leaves home less out is not a good approach.
LaAlma – Zoning to include Main Street with industrial using TIF. Larimer Square – is considering rezoning.
Topic: DBASE – A Denver Study of the Build and Social Environment by Prof Jason Boardman, Institute of Behavioral Science UCD.
• He is a social demographer studying how where you live affects your health.
• Collecting data of indicators of the environment that have a greater effect than biology called place based disparities.
• Interacting with other studies i.e. Piton Foundation and census tract data.
• Seeking 10,000 surveys from metro Denver, 100 from each census tracts
– school s in the area could benefit fr om a wall cleaning process(Titanium Oxide} that costs appro x. $ 13,500 (as shown from benzene testing)
Topic: 80216 – The Health of Our Children
Lloyd Burton – Sierra Club on 1-70,received bad news from the judge on the lawsuit and thinking about a motion to reconsider Random samples need to be taken of soil on dates not known to contractors. He also shared that the national air quality averages though there, can have human health impacts, especially for people with conditions like asthma, are still an issue even if the ratings are lower than standards.
Suncor received approval to manufacture Hydrogen Cynide
Sandra Ruiz-Padilla – Read her Poem as a Swansea resident, and reported that dust from old hotel (Colonial Manor) is constantly blowing making breathing difficult for her daughter and other children
Kurt Reichold – Garden Place Academy Advocates and Armando Payan – Garden Place Academy Advocates
Michael Ogletree – Air Quality Program Manager, City of Denver
Tim Sandos – North Denver Cornerstone Collaborative ,ED of the North Denver Cornerstone Collaborative said that he will stop construction if the air quality is significantly impacted
Ean Tafoya invited and moderated a discussion with speakers who want to influence the City and DPS regarding Benzene in Garden Place Elementary and other toxic substances, and air borne contaminates in this zip code to take action on containment and other correctional methods that would protect the health of local residents.
Although there are several individual studies that show drastic results, no one has conducted a cumulative report of all known toxins.
M ay 2″0 Garden Place Elementary is hosting a green schools playground event .
Adjournment: 12:30PM
Submitted by : Jan e Potts & Danielle Ongart
The program “The Health Of Our Children” is also available as a podcast at
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