Globeville Landing Park Update
The following letters and photos were forwarded to us by the Author Mickey Zeppellin. They were published in February of 2016.
Globeville Landing Park is on the list to be designated as part of the effort INC started after the sale of Hentzell Park.
Also below is a YouTube video outlining some of the history of the park, the proposed changes and the probable effects of those changes
Globeville Landing Park — Proposed Transformation
As stated in previous correspondence, we are concerned about the proposed transformation of Globeville
Landing Park from its existing conditions to a major detention and conveyance area without full discussion with the community. The process and proposed utilization of the park is unacceptable. As we discussed, a community meeting in January is essential. Please propose date, time, place for that meeting.
We expect that in addition to your presence, public works, storm drainage, parks and NDCC will be present.
Set forth below are particular issues that must be addressed at the community meeting:
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