Any individuals, civic groups, business entities, non-profit groups or government agencies. Associate members are non-voting status. (Please note: If you are a Registered Neighborhood Organizations/RNO or other neighborhood organization, please click the back button and use the form for Member Organizations)
Associate Level Dues:
$50 for Organizations, $25 per year for Individuals, $10 for Students
Associate Patron Membership: Associate members who choose to support INC at a higher financial level.
Dues: Patron Platinum $1000 Patron Gold $500, Patron Silver $250, Patron Bronze $100, Patron $75
To renew your membership or become a member please fill out the following form. Online payment is accepted for membership through PayPal. What you will need to do:
Fill out the form below and when completed prove that you are human then click submit. Please note that the first screen after submitting will confirm your application. Please wait about five (5) seconds for the payment screen to appear and follow on screen instructions. Thank you for your membership.
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