Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Jan 8 2018
Inter Neighborhood Cooperation
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
January 8, 2018
Board: George Mayl, Steve Nissen, Hank Bootz, Drew Dutcher, Loretta Koehler
Committee Chairs: Maggie Price, Joel Noble
The December 7, 2017 EC minutes were approved unanimously.
Treasurer-Steve Nissen
The treasurer report for month ended December 2017 was approved unanimously.
Budget for 2018
Steve Nissen presented the revised budget for approval by the board. The revised budget was approved unanimously.
Dinner Update
Good registration, $25,000 + in sponsorship received, arrangements coming together well. Andrew Romanoff agreed to be emcee and the Mayor has been briefed about his presentation.
Any future correspondence between INC Chairs and city entities must first be submitted to the President prior to sending to the city.
New Business
Steve made a motion to approve a small grant making program with a cap of $3000 for 2018 to make small grants to member RNO’s. Passed without exception by board
Submitted by: George Mayl
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Jan 8 2018 — No Comments
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