Revised 5-9-2018
Present: George Mayl, Loretta Koehler, Steve Nissen, Jane Potts, Maggie Price, Bridget Walsh, Hank Bootz, Drew Dutcher, Cindy Johnstone, Joel Noble
6:30PM: Call to Order March minutes approved
Greg Sorensen and Jane Potts were approved as Chairs to Budget and Membership Committees respectively(Unanimous)
Committee Reports: Transportation: Joel Noble
The City is starting a new sidewalk repair program, adjacent property owners must still maintain sidewalks, but adds benefit of bulk bids for labor/material to drive down costs along with payment deferrals and reductions will be possible for low-income property owners. The city will have 10 sectors(not along CD lines) which broken,heaved and missing sidewalks that are trip hazards will be assessed. Property owners will be notified of the hazard with an offer to “opt in” as part of the bulk bidding process.
Unfortunately, the City is not committed to continuing use of flagstone to replace segments as needed, even in historic areas(such as Landmark dist ricts and National Register districts) where that may be the standard. Although much needed safety improvements will happen, the loss of historic charater may be rapid.
Joel will draft a letter referencing our sidewalk position statement and Transportation platform for George to review.
Joel reminded the group that at the most recent Delegates meeting, the Delegates suggested bringing the topic of rerouting of traffic and bus rout es due to the l-70reconstruction to a Delegate meeting rather than to a committee meeting.
INC has had a sidewalk position since 2007 calling out a better way to
maintain/ repair sidewalks to include flagstone repair/replacement (including flagstone repair/replacement where that’s the character of the area} A bulk bid for area will go out to lower replacement by as much as 2/ 3ds. Bridget added there is a new/permeable material that may be used.
Some contractors that are building in an area, while adding sidewalks to a new construction, may go throughout the neighborhood and address home in need of repair/replacement, thus lowering the cost. I the case of flagstone sidewalks, the master plan does not include retention in areas that these sidewalks are part of the character of the neighborhood. Historic/Preservation districts could be impact ed.
Steve noted that flagstone in parts of the city have has a continued presence for over 130 years and is still while concrete has a life expect ancy of 30+..
Parks & Recs : Maggie Price/Cindy Johnstone
Informed on the move of the 4/ 17 P&R meeting with Fred Weiss, Denver Par ks Finance Director, from Brookdale to Washington St Community Center for the anticipated crowd .
On Parks committee, Mayor appoints 5 members and Council People get one(l} each, ask Council Members if they have Parks and citizens’ best interest at heart.
There was no Representative from ZAP present but focus at Delegate meeting will be air quality with testimony from people from the community on life in GES. Ean will coordinate with Drew and Bridget on Saturday’s meeting,.
Not wishing to bore people with mounds of stats, provide power point to Maggie to super impose on video.
Steve..badges for board members to identify themselves. Statis of Small Grant proposal, all requests considered on their merits. $3K available. Guidelines: Small, Medium, Large requests . Drew called for submissions. Maggie : deter mine what is highest amount also matching funds “What will your organization put forth? Skin in the game.. Post Grant information to see what requests come in.
Steve..Develop a relationship with RNO’s, Jane..have a form ready….thanks Steve for re-visiting the Grant question .
Hank…how would we classify a project…Steve encouraged all to review BY-LAWS and Standing Rules and review budget quarterly…Greg Sorensen’s perview
On potential future forums…get ahead of the issues not beh ind AROUND THE TABLE: Future Forums
Loretta: Water, sustainability, renter’s rights venue
Jane : Got in touch with RNO’s not joined in a while,ie. Kramier Park, session on hosting an in-park neighborhood event. Maggie: only chance may be during Denver Days or National Night Out . Jane suggest council go for every neighborhood gets one event a year, contact Fred Weiss
Hank: address projects such as, how do we accommodate pedestrians on Co lfa x, 1-
70 will divert Traffic into more less commercial(residential) streets, what will city do?
Joel : INC will be needed to keep a SPOTLIGHT COOT and City to meet expect at ions
Bridget: City has PR, what do we have to lobby and impact City Council? How about a Citizens’ Park oversight Committee?? Focus on sustainability in. drought conditions.
Maggie: Tap int o those RNO’s that applied for sustainability, have a forum with them. Denver has many superfund sights such as Park Hill with Dry Cleaners plums
Loretta, GATES project uncovered Chemical
Steve: INC has a sidewalk mission statement that Diane Helper assisted on, contact her
Drew mentioned lack of citizen participation, growth issues, quality of life…balance development, open space
SHATTERED DREAMS………… Those who can’t afford to live here any longer must uproot and leave..
Joel: reminded us of the small table discussions we had 6 months ago on what people want from INC..revisit …how we doing…outreach, helping RNO’s achieve goals.
How do we get renters to come and take part?? INC perceived as homeowners, but ½ of Denver rents….Steve said go to Wash Park on Sunday and ask what’s important…renters in a fragile situation..
Maggie: If Park Hill were a park, those downtown could just hop on a lightrail and get off a block away from a park setting..
Which RNO’s are succeeding,, what can city do for design review
8:30 PM Meeting Adjourned…
EXECUTIVE BOARD MINUTES, April 9 2018 — No Comments
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