INC Public Safety/Education Committee Meeting Minutes April 27, 2016
David DiGiacomo of Denver Public Works presented about what role Public Works plays with respect to schools and roadway safety, answering both general questions and school roadway issues. Denver committed to VISION ZERO in February of this year, a Public Works action plan to eliminate crashes on roadways, with the goal to reduce and hopefully eliminate traffic-related fatalities.
Rae Reynolds, representing Hilltop/CBHD Transportation, introduced further conversation about how increased development in Denver is going to impact public roadway safety, and concerns that the city realistically anticipates how this is affecting safety. In the Hilltop neighborhood, for instance, there are no sidewalks in many parts of the neighborhood, including along busy arterial streets. Additionally, some of these busy streets have lights between blocks, with no crosswalk to help assure pedestrian-safe passages where there are no sidewalks (East Sixth Avenue between Colorado Boulevard and Quebec, for instance).
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