DPS’ Accounting Department Re-code
It appears that DPS’ accounting department has re-coded its Administrators to a different category in the chart of accounts. It’s unclear why this is happening, but this change is very evident with the data that was provided to Denver INC by a recently filled CORA request.
Denver INC now has accounting unit level detail for all DPS employees. This is the first time any of us has had this level of granularity with the salary information.
Here are the Grand Totals, in descending order, for salaries of all employees coded to the Emily Griffith, Acoma, and Grant Street administrative offices for FYE 2019 and FYE 2020. It also shows the titles and compensation of the 10 highest paid DPS employees for those two years.
Take a look at row 8, for those people coded under “Emily Griffith Campus”:
- The “Grand Total” is $192.8 million
- The “Administrator” category, highlighted in peach, has dropped significantly, from $25.6 million to $2.4 million.
- The “Professional – Other” category, in green, has increased from $43.7 million to $62.8 million.
For example, look at the Chief Information Officer on row 15 and 16. He has the same title in both years, yet was categorized “Administration” in 2019 and is now categorized as “Professional – Other” in 2020. And he got a $14,694 raise from FYE 2019 to FYE 2020.
This information was obtained from a Colorado Open Records Act request, and is a snapshot taken of salary data on December 1st of each of the fiscal years. It includes the chart of accounts level data so this is all new information. DPS’ fiscal year ends on June 30th. The INC data analyst carved out employees coded to the two schools with “Emily Griffith” in the titles.

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