Denver INC Executive Meeting Minutes July 11, 2016
Denver INC Executive Meeting Minutes
July 11, 2016
Daniel’s Foundation
Board: JJ Niemann, Michelle Schoen, John Riecke, Bonita Lahey, Steve Nissen.
Committee Chairs: Joel Noble, Maggie Price, Margie Valdez.
Meeting called to order at: 6:35 p.m.
Meeting minutes for June 20, 2016 EC meeting were not approved. Approve at the next executive board meeting.
Treasurer’s Report (see separate report) – Total funds – $35,477.10.
Budget: Over budget for materials but the budget was small to begin with. Over budget for awards dinner. Delegates meetings have used budget for food and coffee. Education, Safety, and misc. money has not been touched. $600 in unknown expenses – $1,500 budgeted. $12,000 budgeted for year, a little over $8,000 used. Income for the year projected at $12,000. Actual = $13,400. YTD – net $5,000, should play out to a $1,300 net by the end of the year.
Committee Reports:
Transportation: Joel Noble: Good traction on sidewalks working group. Good partnership with WalkDenver – trying to increase support for sidewalk maintenance. Not clear if it will go to voters or become a fee to homeowners. VisionZero – administration has signed on and funded the action plan. Consultant has been chosen, and WalkDenver will run the day-to-day activities with the consultant, monthly meetings, public meetings, etc. Denveright Plan – 3 of 4 plans are transportation-related. No July meeting – WalkDenver fundraiser will be happening that evening, so that would be a good alternative.
ZAP: Margie Valdez: Two marijuana initiatives. Have heard from NORML. Received another initiative at 3pm on Friday afternoon before the delegate meeting. Sponsor will be presenting at the July ZAP meeting. Need to update community engagement plans to include prevailing RNOs on the second initiative. Planning to do an liquor & marijuana platform beginning in November 2016 – plan for it to take at least 6 months. Margie is on the committee for the revised policies and procedures manual for Excise and Licensing.
Oversight board for STRs has not been formed/announced yet.
Will need to discuss whether or not we want marijuana sponsors for the annual awards dinner.
PARC: Maggie Price: Red Rocks parcels purchased in 2000 under Webb – 98 acres designated as dedicated park land. Approximately another 60 acres should be designated as dedicated park land. The goal is to avoid it being sold off to commercial ventures. Cindy will represent INC during the re-org. Want INC platform on parks to be an integral part of everything.
Ed Weiss brought ideas for new policies regarding paid events at local parks. PARC did not feel there was enough concrete information regarding park sizes, prices, capacity, parking plans, etc. No discuss about Parks & Rec budgets. May be discussed to some extent at the 8/10/16 PRAB meeting.
Public Safety & Education: JJ Niemann for Merce Lea: JJ met with Mayor last month. Asked him how we can communicate better and said something about the safety expo issues – we cannot afford to have one this year because the money for DPD, DFD attendance has been reallocated. Chris Martinez (our mayoral liaison) discussed with Sheriffs, DPD, etc.. Recommending everyone go to the National Night Out in Northfield instead. We would prefer to better the relationships between individual RNOs and police districts instead.
Old Business:
- August 2016 Delegate Meeting Topic/Speaker
- Location: Museum of Nature & Science – Use west door.
- Speaker: Marijuana issues? Speakers from both initiatives. Margie will ask them at the July ZAP committee meeting if they would like to present to the delegates.
- September 2016 Delegate Meeting Location
- Location: Multiple locations suggested. JJ will make decision.
- Speaker: Amendment 69 pro and con on single payer.
- Survey – In process, looking to have survey out before winter.
- Financial Audit – need status update.
- Steve and Bibi meeting on 8/2/16 to audit the books.
- Budget & Membership Co-Chair Appointments.
- Look for people who are not already on the Executive Committee.
- At-Large Appointment.
New Business
- Mission/Vision/Goals – Turning potential into action.
- JJ will work on this.
- The hiring of a contract person to provide clerical services at no more than $25/hr and a cap of $2,000 for 2016.
- JJ will work on this.
- Commitment to hosting another INC Awards Dinner.
- Time to start putting together a committee.
- Need to begin initial legwork and recruit people who have already done it.
- Commitment to promotion and support for the Denver Decides Election Forum.
- Committed to advertising it. We have a budget for it. All forums will be at Channel 8 studios this year and will be televised.
- There are 7 proposed amendments to the state constitution that may make it to the ballot this year.
- Get League of Women Voters pamphlets to hand out at meetings.
- SurveyMonkey questionnaire for local candidates. Worked well last year. Committees need to come up with questions so we can get them to candidates ASAP. Many questions can probably be re-used for this year. INC platform questions can be used.
Denver INC Executive Meeting Minutes July 11, 2016 — No Comments
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