Denver INC Executive Committee Meeting Minutes- May 11, 2015
The meeting was called to order at 6:37pm at the Daniels Fund Center on May 11, 2015
Minutes of April 13, 2015 Board meeting were passed without exception
Financial – See Financial Reports
· Accounts receivable includes about $1800 for sponsor monies from Visit Denver who agreed to reimburse the out of pocket expenses INC incurred.
· Xcel designated as “Patron Member” because they became a sponsor of INC’s delegate meetings and the sponsorship covered food/beverage costs. They are to be listed as a Patron member and as a sponsor.
JJ Nieman reported INC’s RNO membership is about 80 and Associates at 15.
JJ’s Motion: Allow no-fee memberships for qualified organizations
· A request was made for sponsorship of the RNOs instead of waving the fees
· In the past RNOs were asked to pay half, or what they could
· Concern about setting precedent with this motion
· A discussion around implementing a sliding scale so every RNO has a vested interest
· Jane Lorimer advised this topic had already been approved in the past and she will send the policy already adopted. If Board wants to amend the policy that can be addressed at the June meeting.
Motion was tabled
Action Items : The membership chair was tasked to set some criteria and guidelines to help organizations self help and Jane was to share the guidelines already established.
Discussion Regarding E-Mail Voting
· Clear rules were presented by Margie
· They can go into survey monkey for automation
· This needs to be added to the Bylaws
· A call for a committee to review the Bylaws was made
Action Item : Joel was asked to work with Margie to define quorum and requirements for the vote.
Motion By: Don Tressler – Enable the board to have an emergency vote by e-mail.
Motion passed unanimously.
Other Discussion
Action Item : Dave Stauffer will make sure our website has posted the current by-laws. Jane to supply most recent copy.
Action Item : Ray Ehrenstein has been tasked to reserve Daniels Fund room for the next 3 months
Charitable Giving Discussion
· 501c3 requires us to have a charitable works arm. DD used to satisfy this requirement. Jane Lorimer headed up a task force to come up with other ideas and the new Charitable Works committee was approved by the delegates May 9. Larry appointed Jane Lorimer and Joanne Kuemmerlin as co-chairs with Board approval.
· At the last Board meeting, it was agreed the former DDD account would be re-named as the Charitable Works account.
· Request that charitable giving organization proposals be brought to the Executive Committee.
· Loretta from Baker RNO is interested in helping with the committee
Motion in line with charitable actions By: Bibi Spend $100 to restore the SWIC food bank from the general fund John: 2nd
Voice Vote – Passes – Unanimously
Action Item : John R.: Will write the letter to SWIC
Offer for Office Space
Larry: INC has been offered an office at the SWIC at $50 per month
Motion John Riecke: INC accept the space and approve the expenditure of $50 a month for 7 months. Don Tressler: Seconded – Motion pass unanimously
A request was made to please keep our post-office box mailing address the same. Agreed.
Election Forum
Next year, we would like to provide more information and more early influence on the forums.
New Newsletter Format
· Dave Presented new online format and requested to stop sending paper copy via the mail and to become all-digital.
Action Items :
· Larry asked the Communications group to contact people who were receiving it in paper only. Larry and John will draft a letter to be sent to those currently getting news by mail.
· Jane will send a monthly postcard to people who received the paper newsletter telling them the meeting times each month. Bibi or Dave to furnish the list of those not getting the email versions
Review of Saturday Delegate Meeting Format
Response was that this format didn’t work well. It was too unstructured and it ran long.
The discussion of the charitable committee got out of hand
Ideas to make it better:
· A specific question format
· Get questions from INC delegates
· Use the “question” format from the Election Forum
· Shorten the agenda
· Reestablish the “around the city”
· Set better controls on the conversations
· Set 2 minute increment rule for each contribution to the discussion
· Ask for the less likely participants to contribute
· Do again in 6 months
Standing Rules
Action Item : Jane Lorimer created Standing Rules a couple of years ago. They are not currently being used or being updated. Standing Rules need to be defined several areas and used. Changes will be brought up at every meeting until the items are completed. This accompanies our by-laws updates.
2015 Goals & Objectives
Send out what Jane put together which was a draft plan that aligns with the budget.
Approving the goals/objectives for 2015-16 is important not only for supporting grant requests but also for annual meeting reporting of what has been accomplished.
Joel would like a standing rule that when someone represents the INC position, their personal position should be clearly distinguished. Please discuss as part of the “standing rules” updates. Action Item: Jane will work with Joel to update the “standing rules”
New Business
Create an INC academy (Dave’s suggestion)
· Each committee sets its own goals of what it would like to “teach”
· Have a post “<INC Committee> 101” from each committee.
· RNOs need “education” from the INC about by-laws and about what a well functioning organization looks like and does
· How does this relate to our “tool box” goals?. The website is deemed “the toolbox” and the Academy would fall under education
Important First Step – Each committee starts on something. After graduation from our academy, people will be more likely to get involved in a committee.
Delegate Meeting Topics
· Michael Sapp has requested to have the Mayor host a “how to react” to police training for people at a future delegate meeting. Expected time needed (45 minutes). The Office of Strategic partnership just sent out an e-mail about the same topic. Would really appreciate Chief White attending. Request to do it in a culturally diverse area (North East Denver)
· Could we have a Fire themed meeting at the Fireman’s Museum? Either July or August.
· Do another Denver Health themed meeting as follow up on the survey they sent out
· Rita Bass Center – Have Andrew Romanoff present. Ray or Jane to talk to Olga Garcia to clear a date. Could also invited Museum of Nature & Science to present their findings from the exhibit on health they have.
Next Delegate Meeting (June 13th)
Speaker: Jeff Sheppard – Missed opportunities for quality Downtown Residential development
Ray E. to find location
Meeting adjourned
Denver INC Executive Committee Meeting Minutes- May 11, 2015 — No Comments
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