CPD Update on Denveright- They Heard Us
From: CPD Communications <CPDCommunications@denvergov.org>
To: CPD Communications <CPDCommunications@denvergov.org>
Sent: Mon, Nov 19, 2018 11:07 am
Subject: A Denveright update for RNOs: Review and adoption schedule
Dear Registered Neighborhood Organizations,
Thank you, Denver! Nearly 2,000 people offered feedback about the ideas in the Denveright plans, via online and paper surveys and at our office hours throughout the city. We’re hard at work reviewing your feedback. Several RNOs and civic groups got deadline extensions through the end of this month; in December we’ll analyze the collective input and begin to amend the plans accordingly.
What’s Next
In early January, we’ll release updated drafts of Comprehensive Plan 2040, Blueprint Denver and Game Plan for a Healthy City, along with a reader guide so you can easily find what’s changed.
Several RNOs said they wanted more time to review the plans. We heard you — so we’re adding time in early 2019 to offer a two-month review of the next versions of Comprehensive Plan 2040, Blueprint Denver and Game Plan for a Healthy City.
Through March you’ll have several more chances to talk with city planners about the plans and share your opinion with us and with the Denver Planning Board. In April at public hearings, Denver City Council will consider adopting the plans.
The Denver Moves: Transit plan, and the Denver Moves: Pedestrians and Trails plan — which are not approved by Denver City Council — will be finalized and published in January.*

The Denveright Team
*The Denver Moves plans will be finalized and published in early January. If Blueprint Denver’s guidance for transit and pedestrians/trails changes significantly, they will be amended accordingly.
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