Charter Change Proposal
This proposal will go to the Finance Committee on June 9 2020. The sponsors of this amendment , CW CdeBaca and CW Sawyer, hope to place this for a vote by the residents of Denver in the November 2020 city election. In order for that to occur, the proposed charter change must move out of the finance committee and have the support of the majority of City Council to place it on the ballot for a vote by the electorate.
Ultimately the opportunity to vote either for or against the change is dependent upon City Council support.
Over the years INC has consistently asked for greater transparency in government and has often passed resolutions or written letters asking for that
See page 2 for body of letter
How was this decision made? Was it a vote before the Executive Committee? Did the EC consider asking the INC membership to consider this proposal and vote on it? I am a voting member. I was not asked – and by extension, my RNO’s position on the proposal was not solicited. It may very well have been to support, but to have not even put this to a vote before the membership is troubling. This is the second decision made on behalf of INC and presented to the media as if it was a decision supported by the entire organization. This lack of transparency and clubby/clique-ish behavior is detrimental to INC. How hard is it to send an email to the INC membership asking for their input?
INC voted to pass ZAP proposed Resolution to de-bundle group living and delay voting by council until sections and impacts were better reviewed. INC did not take a pro/con stand on the issue and if you read our bylaws, our job is to educate and present fair balance information. If you attended the delegate meetings via Zoom as your RNO delegate, you were sent a ballot to vote on these items. Hope this clarifies.