INC-URSC Minutes 2-27-2019 Daniels Fund Building People present: Jasmin Barco, Parry Burnap, CM Jolon Clark, Ernie Diedrich (Chair), Janet Manning, Lauren Mattingly, Steve Nissen, Charlotte Pitt, Pamela Quigley, Jeff Reeser, Sarah Shaffer, Jim Slotta, Debbie Welles (others that didn’t sign in ?) Meeting came to order at 6:35pm. Charlotte Pitt, Public Works Charlotte’s primary responsibility is to manage waste in …Continue reading →
DENVER August 10, 2019 – Denver’s Inter-Neighborhood Cooperation (DenverINC) members overwhelmingly passed a Resolution in support of preserving the Park Hill Golf Course perpetual open space conservation easement defined in the City’s purchase in November 1997. The Resolution will be sent to Denver’s City Council. INC’s Resolution was also endorsed by former Denver Mayor Wellington Webb, under whose administration the …Continue reading →
Tiny house villages proposal in the works Public meeting on tiny house villages 6-7:30 p.m., Wednesday, June 5 St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church 2015 Glenarm Place Denver City Councilwoman Robin Kniech is proposing a zoning rules change to allow temporary tiny house villages. The update will be separate from other potential Denver Zoning Code updates related to group living. Kniech is …Continue reading →
INC-URSC Minutes 3-27-2019 Daniels Fund Building People present: Blake Angelo (former manager of Food Systems Development for County and City of Denver), Jasmin Barco (Eco cycle), Laine Cidlowski (Denver Food System Administrator), Scott Clobes (Highland Urban Gardens), Ernie Diedrich (Chair), Loretta Koehler (INC VP), Sarah Shaffer (intern at Denver’s Sustainable Neighborhood Program), Jim Slotta, Oliveann Slotta. After a short description …Continue reading →
INC-URSC Minutes 2-27-2019 Daniels Fund Building People present: Jasmin Barco, Parry Burnap, CM Jolon Clark, Ernie Diedrich (Chair), Janet Manning, Lauren Mattingly, Steve Nissen, Charlotte Pitt, Pamela Quigley, Jeff Reeser, Sarah Shaffer, Jim Slotta, Debbie Welles (others that didn’t sign in ?) Meeting came to order at 6:35pm. Charlotte Pitt, Public Works Charlotte’s primary responsibility is to manage waste in …Continue reading →
INC-Urban Resilience and Sustainability Committee 1-30-2019 Minutes Attendees: George Mayl, Joel Noble, Taylor Moellers, Adrian Brown, David Rummel, Ernie Diedrich (Chair), Jim Slotta, Loretta Koehler, Thomas Herrod, Sarah Shaffer, Cindy Johnstone, Steve Hartey The meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm at the Daniels Bldg Introduction George Mayl began by briefly speaking about INC and its impact …Continue reading →
American towns and cities face a series of economic, environmental, and social justice challenges that hit the most disadvantaged communities especially hard. Therefore, it’s no surprise that the idea of “community resilience” has gained popularity in recent years. But too often resilience is viewed as “bouncing back to normal” after disruptions like Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy. In the below presentation …Continue reading →