Initiative 302 Owen Perkins, Campaign Manager, YES on 302: This Initiative will be on the June 4th ballot and will grant Denver voters the right to vote BEFORE spending tax dollars towards an Olympics. In March 2018 INC sponsored a forum concerning the possibility of hosting the 2030 Olympics. Audio of questions and answers Supportive Referenced Material
“Shall the voters of the City and County of Denver enact a measure prohibiting the use of public monies, resources, or fiscal guarantees in connection with any future Olympic Games, without the City first obtaining voter approval at a regularly scheduled municipal election or special election should the City decide to use public monies, resources, or guarantees for this purpose?” …Continue reading →
Let Denver Vote will be on the June ballot as Measure 302 if there is a citywide runoff for either the office of Mayor or County Clerk following the May election. If there is no citywide runoff, the measure will be on the November ballot. “Shall the voters of the City and County of Denver enact a measure prohibiting the use of …Continue reading →
For Immediate Release February 5, 2019 Let Denver Vote Citizen’s Initiative Makes the 2019 Ballot in Denver Voters will decide about requiring a vote of the people to spend tax dollars on the Olympics DENVER – The Let Denver Vote Initiative got final results from the Denver Elections Division Tuesday, two business days after the campaign turned in an addendum …Continue reading →
Salt Lake has broad support from Utah legislature and residents to host Winter Games By Andrew Kenney | | The Denver Post PUBLISHED: December 14, 2018 at 4:28 pm | UPDATED: December 14, 2018 at 5:35 pm The U.S. Olympic Committee will support Salt Lake City as the nation’s potential candidate for the 2030 Olympic Games, rejecting Denver’s …Continue reading →
“I’m not trying to hide anything,” says organizer of 2030 Legacy Now Alex Burness – December 12, 2018 From The Colorado Independent – Original Article Here A fledgling campaign presenting itself as a grassroots effort to support Denver’s 2030 Winter Olympics bid is in fact driven by a former member of the Denver Sports Commission who has deep ties to Olympic …Continue reading →
Fox 31/Channel 2 News DENVER — The idea of Denver — and Colorado as a whole — hosting a winter Olympic Games has a long history and draws strong opinions. Sunday night in Denver’s RiNo neighborhood, a crowd discussed why voters should have a final say in the matter. “We just don’t think public money should be spent towards that,” …Continue reading →