NOT YET APPROVED INTER-NEIGHBORHOOD COOPERATION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING March 14, 2022 Meeting Called to Order at 18330 hrs. In Attendance: Board Members: Loretta Koehler (President) Joe Noble Greg Sorensen (Treasurer) Jane Potts Maggie Price (Also PARC Chair) Trupti Supthar Emmett Hobley Judy Baxter Lou Raders Christine OcConner Keith Meyer Adam Metzler Lamone Noles 1840 TREASURY REPORT: Greg Sorensen Greg … Continue reading →
Review proposed position (at board-climate-resolution/ ). Substantive sentence is: Inter-Neighborhood Cooperation endorses equitable and effective Denver Public School policies to address climate change. DPS should act immediately to implement fair and equitable district-wide climate mitigation policies including the forthcoming recommendations from the Youth Sustainability Board and the Denver Climate Action Plan. ◦ Discussion ◦ ◦ Suggestion to … Continue reading →
INTER-NEIGHBORHOOD COOPERATION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING March 8, 2021 (Via Zoom) In Attendance: • Boardmembers: ◦ Loretta Koehler (President) ◦ Trupti Santhar (VP) ◦ Greg Sorensen (Treasurer) ◦ Jane Potts (Also Sustainability Co-Chair) ◦ Maggie Price (Also PARC Chair) ◦ Emmett Hobley ◦ Hank Bootz ◦ Drew Dutcher • Committee Chairs: ◦ Christine O’Connor (ZAP) ◦ Ean Tafoya (ZAP) ◦ Joel … Continue reading →
INTER-NEIGHBORHOOD COOPERATION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING February 8, 2021 (Via Zoom) In Attendance: ● Boardmembers: ○ Loretta Koehler (President) OK ○ Trupti Santhar (VP) OK ○ Greg Sorenson (Treasurer) OK ○ Jane Potts (Also Sustainability Co-Chair) OK ○ Maggie Price (Also PARC Chair). OK ○ Emmett Hobley ○ Hank Bootz ○ Drew Dutcher (joined around 5pm) ● Committee Chairs: ○ Christine … Continue reading →
INTER-NEIGHBORHOOD COOPERATION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING January 11, 2021 (Via Zoom) In Attendance: ● Boardmembers: ○ Loretta Koehler (President) ○ Trupti Santhar (VP) ○ Greg Sorenson (Treasurer) ○ Jane Potts (Also Sustainability Co-Chair) ○ Maggie Price (Also PARC Chair) ○ Emmett Hobley ○ Drew Dutcher (joined at 6:59pm) ● Committee Chairs: ○ Christine O’Connor (ZAP) ○ Joel Noble (Transportation) ○ Parry … Continue reading →
INTER-NEIGHBORHOOD COOPERATION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING December 14, 2020 (Via Zoom) Minutes In Attendance: • Boardmembers: ◦ Loretta Koehler (President) ◦ Trupti Santhar (VP) ◦ Greg Sorenson (Treasurer) ◦ Jane Potts (Also Sustainability Co-Chair) ◦ Maggie Price (Also PARC Chair) ◦ Emmett Hobley • Committee Chairs: ◦ Ean Tafoya & Christine O’Connor (ZAP) ◦ Joel Noble (Transportation) ◦ Parry Burnap (Sustainability) … Continue reading →
INTER-NEIGHBORHOOD COOPERATION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING November 9, 2020 (Via Zoom) Minutes In Attendance: ● Boardmembers: ○ Loretta Koehler (President) ○ Trupti Santhar (VP) ○ Greg Sorenson (Treasurer) ○ Hank Bootz ○ Drew Dutcher ○ Jane Potts (Also Sustainability Co-Chair) ○ Maggie Price (Also PARC Chair) ○ Emmett Hobley ● Committee Chairs: ○ Christine O’Connor (ZAP) ○ Joel Noble (Transportation) ○ … Continue reading →